Painful pap smears and HPV test by urine

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Dear ladies

I am 58, postmenupausal woman. My last pap was very painfil and traumatic. I decided to have HPV test by urine but I was told (in the clinic) this test cannot determine the number of abnormal cells if the result is positive. Now I am worried what to do. I know, there is self test kit, but when taking a sample, it is important to get it as high as possible in the vagina close to the cervix, so I am frighnedet that it will be also painful. My pain treshlod is very low....So, what you would do if you were me?biggrin

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi ena,

    I have had really painful pap tests, and it was probably partly due to the doctor's ineptitude, and partly due to my tension. I am thinking you could ask for a valium and have the test done at the doctor's office. I don't know if I would trust a home kit.

    You could also load up with painkillers before the test. Either of these options will make you a bit fuzzy in the head - well maybe not the pain killers. And of course, learn diaphragm breathing, self calming techniques, mantra meditation, these will help you in the course of your life anyway, even if they aren't enough for the actual test.

    • Posted

      Thanks jennifer. I tried everything, and my doctor is really gentle, but nothing helped.
    • Posted

      So sorry, ena. Well, try the home kit then - I think you will be able to control the pain then.

      I even thought about partial anaesthesia for you . . . what do you think?


    • Posted

      Eyes closed. Thinking of lovely things. Try not to tense up (rich coming from someone so tense the speculum 'pops' out!!), and remind yourself this won't take very long at all.

      From one 'internal-phob' to another, just do your best to relax and get this necessary evil out of the way!


  • Posted

    Do you think you have an infection that could be making it painful like a uti have that checked out and try to relax your muscles because tence muscles can make it uncomfortable
  • Posted

    Hi Ena.

    If I were you (we're just pretending) I would:

    - dismss that doctor ASAP;

    - rub Ovestin estriol cream (you'll need a prescription) every other day on vulvar/labia area for 2-3 months and stopo it for one week and during that week repeat the PAP smear. 

    - take a relaxing tablet before going to the PAP;

    - warn beforehand the new doctor that you're hipersensitive and sore.

    That has happened to me before and I dismissed 2 doctors. I don't pay (or the NHS - BTW)  people to hurt me.

    Be well. Teresa.


  • Posted

    PS - a good thing to control PAPs results is to supplement with Beta Glucans for a few months. Then you can reapeat and I bet all will be well. biggrin
  • Posted

    Hi Ena, there are different sizes of speculum, ask your doctor to use as small a one as possible.

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