Painful periods!!! 😢😢😢
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I started on hrt back in August as I'm at that stage in my life (though early I'm 41).
My last period before the hrt was in February but the hrt make me have a bleed every month and they seem to be progressively more painful 😢😢 that painful im doubled over they have never been this bad in my whole life.
My consultant has just changed them which I collected yesterday after paying double prescription charges 😤😤😤.
I know I need to start the new ones but I'm having a bit of a melt down at the moment and am concerned out any side affects and periods becoming even more painful 😢😢😢
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caroline114 karen46733
Actiquser karen46733
Hi Karen, the reply from Karen is spot on. If you haven't had a scan then you need one.
Also why are you continuing with HRT when it is causing worse symptoms.
Also you are very young for the change and I wouldn't be accepting it was just the change without all the relevant blood tests and a scan to ensure it is nothing sinister.
I don't wish to alarm you unnecessarly, but I hope your Dr made you aware of the increase risk of cancer with HRT if not I suggest you google HRT and cancer risk. Many Drs now feel the risks of cancer far outweigh any benefits from HRT.
All medicadions come with a price of side effect and risks and anyone taking any form of medication should find out what the risks are. Using the internet give quick access to information on all drugs .
karen46733 Actiquser
Hi actiquser, yes the pain is unbearable at times but the symptoms I had before the hrt were bad. Hot flushes, night sweats and my moods were that bad I actually thought about ending it 😢.
My consultant is a specialist in menopause and he believes at the age I am the hrt out weighs the cancer risks at the moment but that will change as I get older and it will need to be relooked at. I've just had bloods taken again and I've got a bone scan booked for next week.
I was sterilised in April this year and was told everything was fine but maybe things have changed and need to go and get checked 🤔🤔.
Thank you for your reply
Karen xx
Lotti1966 karen46733
I would get a 2nd opinion. You were not in menopause as you had only gone 6 months not the full year without a period right?
Please get a 2nd opinion. There is no ending it or giving up! We are all here for you.
Please get checked for fibroid's or endometriosis even.
Actiquser karen46733
Hi Karen, have you had your uterus scanned as already mentioned to see there are no fibroids, thickening of the uterus lining, or anything sinister, as a scan is essential.
The second thing is the psychological effects of having an early menopause can be very isolating and it is worth having councilling for this. As you have already had dark thought I think this is essential for your mental well being. People here will support you and most have experienced issues regarding perimenopausal and the menopause issues. It is not unusual for blood tests taken in women from 40 years to show perimenopausal symptoms ie a reduction in female hormone production. This usually leads to reduced fertility, but no other signs associated with the menopause.
As suggested I would seek out a second opinion as any Dr that continues to prescribe HRT with worstening symptoms without a scan should be questioned.
I continued to beleive a Dr that I had menopausal symptoms for several years when in fact I had cancer. When I had it was it removed I was deemed to have had it 2 years by which time it had spread and was staged at a 3C. No scan had been offered. I had a young son. I do not wish to scare you but if you haven't been scanned recently or at all, you need to be scanned. If your current Dr will not arrange this I would go back to your GP and organise a second opinion. Given your circumstances if you have not been scanned and there is a risk of cancer your GP in the UK under the current guidelines should organise an referal and you should be seen within 2 weeks. This is a simple test takes minutes and with a trans vaginal scan biopsies can be taken and sent for analysis. I wish I had been more assertive.
There are a number of alternative reasons why you can have very heavy periods that are not associated with cancer and these are the more likely explanation. Endometriosis , fibroids. Please do not take offence at what I am saying I am not wanting to scare you but please as Lotti suggests get a secong opinion quickly.
I wish you well and let us know if you have been scanned or not please?