Painful Periods

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Hi all, although i started in peri in 2012 i still have the odd period which is usually very light but lasting longer. BUT the one i started yesterday is really painful, i used to have these painful periods through my teenage years and up until my thirties but then they improved but i seem to have gone right back to those days, i'd forgotten how painful they were, i could hardly dry my hair this morning as i was standing up i just wanted to curl up somewhere.  Is anyone else having painful periods or maybe and i do hope that this is a one off.  I've also have really sore breasts which i've never suffered with before.  take care all xx 

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi anxious face 

    yes i did too, in late peri, cramping awful, hurt to stand up straight sometimes, use to cuddle a hot water bottle.. Boobs very tender, felt very sick and didnt normally, and headaches before ..

    jay x


    • Posted

      Hi Jayneejay, thank you for your reply and reassurance i knew you'd come to my rescue, yes standing up straight is a nightmare. I have been using my heated pad i put in the microwave. do you think i maybe coming to the end ??  i've been doing ok then BAM this really painful period and more blood than i've ever had, but maybe this will do some good to have a proper period but hope this isnt going to happen often.  Yes like you sore boobs and i've had a headache for 3 days now but not a bad one i can cope with it at the moment.  jayneejay how are you doing?  sending you a hug jay your a star x
  • Posted

    HI, I had sore breasts in peri and cramping.  I am now in full menopause and got a slight bleed yesterday which I thought was odd as I have not bled for months now.  My body just doing all sorts of things at the moment...and yes headaches which I never suffered from before. Take care.XXX
  • Posted

    Hi Anxiousface,

    I think I'm possibly coming (one can only hope, really) nearer to the end of this madness and yes, I've noticed when I do get a period, the time leading up to it is much like when I was younger and the periods are painful.

    I'll get the swollen breasts, overall bloating, way more emotional, migraines and general feeling of being unwell prior to the actual period starting. To make matters even more interesting rolleyes, the lousy feeling stays days longer, instead of lifting pretty much on the end of the 1st day.

    Hoping you feeling better soon.

    Annie xx

    • Posted

      Annie I'm exactly the same - used to feel pretty fantastic by the end of the first day (when the cramps had stopped) and felt I could take on anything - the only positive side I could see to periods smile. Now I don't get that feeling and the headaches and feeling lousy lasts for days.
  • Posted

    Hi Anxiousface

    I have had periods that are painful too. Right now i found out in i am postmenopausal and i have been having symptoms of reslestness crying and just not myself I just want things to calm down will they ever calm down or what going crazy with this stuffcryFeel like hiding and staying home now.

  • Posted

    hi all, im going through all that at the moment, i guess im in peri stage but dont actually know? for at least the last 6 months and more my periods have been heavier and very painfull, as others have said, really bad cramps and hard to stand upright, woke me one night so bad, i didnt have the energy to get out of bed and get some painkillers, just laid there in agony for about 3 hours till fell asleep again, my boobs usually are tender when i come on , so that hasnt changed,and this month, for what i can recall, first time ever, ive come on again , only 14 days after my usual monthly one, but it wasnt painful at all, strange? they still last a good 6/7 days , see how time goes i guess. im 49 years old by the way xx
  • Posted

     I have been having all these symptoms as well. I've had really heavy periods the last year and the last three months I've had really painful cramps that last 6-7 days on my period . A couple weeks ago I started getting headaches ,migraines and nausea. I had this for two weeks straight and now the headaches and nausea are gone. Last night I had a half hour in the night where I got so cold I was chilled to the bone and nothing warmed me up. After about half hour I felt back to normal and had sweat on my neck.  Have you had that part as well or anyone else ? I was so cold I was shivering almost uncontrollably . 
    • Posted

      jennifer i get so freezing to the bone i have to stand over the radiator to thaw out, my lips go blue and i shiver like you.  I've not had a period since May but still get the headaches and period cramps.  I'm suffering from off balanceness for these last few weeks which is quite scary when i feel my legs will give way and i will suddenly drop.  sending you a freezing hug (sorry havent got a warm one) x 

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