Painful Sex and discharge afterwards
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Hi ladies I’m 52 and am in perimenopause. I rarely have periods now just grubby browny discharge occasionally.
What I’m really worried about though is pain during sex then continual browny bloody discharge and lumpy bits afterwards (for weeks sometimes). (Apologies for the grim description!!)
Pain during sex is NOT due to dryness but it’s so painful it makes me cry, which is kind of a passion killer. My doc has had a good look around and Ive had smear tests to rule out cervical cancers (test was clear) but why am I still getting this?
Is this due to lack of Estrogen? I take no hrt or anything so maybe I should consider this?
I’m so worried about it and keep thinking something awful is wrong. Can anyone help advise if theyve had the same but have found a resolution for this?
Any advice appreciated xx😘😘
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lynda20916 louise25018
Sorry you're going through this. What's going on should be better investigated than a Pap smear and a "good look around." If your doctor is a gp, go o to see an ob/gyn as soon as you can! Because of what's going on there are other tests that should be performed, such as a vaginal ultrasound to check the width of your uterine tissue, known as the "uterine stripe." Also a uterine biopsy. Please don't put this off!
Most anything can be sorted if found in time! Best of luck to you, and please let me know how you get on! xx
amanda59745 louise25018
lynda20916 louise25018
Louise, most uterine cancers are estrogen receptive, so until you get this situation sorted, please don't consider HRT, estrogen cream or use any product, including herbal preparations or creams containing "natural estrogens." If there is cancer present, it will encourage it to grow. xx
dawnm1970 louise25018
I’d suggest getting a transvaginal US to rule out a thickened uterine stripe. This can thicken due to estrogen dominance and can harbor precancerous cells. I agree not starting any hormone supplements until you know for sure. I’m 47 and going through menopause, no period for 4 months. Had slight discharge one time 6 weeks ago and Dr ordered TVUS and I had a uterine biopsy yesterday because my stripe was slightly thickened. Worth getting it checked out though.
louise25018 dawnm1970
Thanks for your reply and hope ur ok xx
I’m beside myself with worry x
lynda20916 louise25018
I'm glad you went to see your doctor. But they're absolutely incorrect about what the pap smear would pick up. Certainly it would pick up cervical cancer cells, but not endometrial cancer cells. I know, I had a clear pap just before I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer.
Please try to arrange for that scan as soon as possible. In addition to a scan, try to get in to see an ob/gyn. Where are you located, please, because your gp should be trying to get you in for a scan asap.
I absolutely understand what you're going through. Please keep me posted. xx
louise25018 lynda20916
lynda20916 louise25018
Hi, Louise, I'm in the US, so my situation, as far as access to medical care, is different, a little more straightforward. It's good that you're being pro-active in this process---because your doctor seems to be too laid back about your situation.
I am in treatment. Six chemos (just had #5) to be followed by surgery, then maybe more chemo, but definitely low dose radiation, once a day for 6 weeks. The plan is flexible, and I'm comfortable with it and have confidence in my oncologist.
Please try to take this one day at a time, if you can. It helps me tremendously. As I said, please let me know how you get on. xx
louise25018 lynda20916
God bless you and please let’s keep in touch.
Thinking of you and sending love and strengthxx
lynda20916 louise25018
I can understand how you're feeling. But, somehow, one just manages to "get through it" as best one can. I have good days and bad days, it's true. Things that I used to think were important aren't anymore. What's important comes into stark focus. Strangely, life becomes more simple and complex at the same time.
I will also be thinking of and praying for you! Please feel free to private message me! xx
gailannie louise25018
Louise, somethings not right. And I'll say it's a passion killer. Yes, estrogen does help with painful sex. Have you asked your doctor about it? I just know that my physician tried to touch inside with a q tip in several locations to see if there was pain. So while lack of lubrication may not be the symptom you are first feeling, my guess is that's coming next and probably sooner than later.
The fact that you rarely have periods is certainly indicating you are close to menopause. Every women is slightly different in how this expresses itself, but a trial of vaginal estrogen might be a good idea.
gailannie louise25018
I'm sorry my response did not include all the great info on getting things checked out completely before attempting some vaginal estrogen. Sorry about that! But I assumed a honest conversation with your physician would have them taking things seriously and looking for any problems, before a trial of vaginal estrogen to see if that helps correct the problem.
ginger17 louise25018
Unfortunately this is very normal. Make a visit to gyno and be very specific with what is going on- they can help!
Good luck!
louise25018 ginger17
Hopefully it will all be ok xxx