Painful skin tingles
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I keep having these weird painful skin tingles. It's usually on my thighs and chest. It's hard to explain. It's not pins and needles. It's just this weird tingle of pain. It's definitely occurs on the surface of the skin, not deeper. I wish I could describe it better. Maybe it feels like fire ants walking over your skin...only more of a twinge instead of pain. Maybe I am crazy???
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debra16694 staci88515
hi staci - could you also describe your skin tingles like a sunburn without the redness? if so, i have been plagued with this for over a year in a half. i get it on my back, upper neck, chest, forearms, front of legs/shins, tops of feet & a little on my chin - its landed me in the ER it was so intense on my back/chest one night - they couldnt tell me anything - i have since chalked it up to low hormones affecting my nervous system - i just do everything in my power to try & remain stress free & do self care - i do notice if my eating habits are bad that my whole system gets thrown off & i experience it more - i am hoping it will disapear altogether soon -
staci88515 debra16694
It's like a hundred tiny fingers pinching my skin. It's these spots of twinges or pain or ??? It is just so hard to describe. It does feel like a hot pain, but in tiny spots. That sounds insane, no? I am sorry you have been suffering for so long. I am three days away from my period.,,maybe it is the hormones. sigh
lucy48229 staci88515
Hi Staci,
I have the exactly pain as you ! But my symptom has changed from deep muscle to skin now. If it is related to hormone, we do not need worry about. It will recover, I wish!
staci88515 lucy48229
It is so bizarre! Thank you!!
mauiblue staci88515
hi there
It's like your skin is burning but it's not it's like it's hot and uncomfortable and prickly and icky very hard to describe I had it on my neck and shoulders and upper chest and it drove me nuts I was always uncomfortable in my skin in my clothes anyting nothing felt right.
I remember it well I think it will pass though just be patient
staci88515 mauiblue
I get it on my upper thighs too. It is such a weird and unnerving feeling.
Jen2541 staci88515
Do you find it makes it hard to wear clothes close to your skin? My sunburn sensation is mostly in my legs and I find I just can't wear any skinny pants or even any jeans that have spandex in the thigh area. Even some socks feel too tight!
staci88515 Jen2541
Hmm, I never really noticed if it is worse with close clothes. We are in the middle of winter, so there is lots of clothes happening. Umm, I don't own skinny pants or spandex...not a good look for me. Bwahahahaha! I don't know when it happened, but I hate socks. I don't own a single pair that aren't ankle socks...just barely above my shoes. I hate the feeling of "normal" socks. Oh, and don't get me started on socks in bed. shiver
Rainy84 staci88515
I know this is an old post but my tingly/burning bee sting feelings are as you describe and I have trouble with Jean's and certain materials in clothing they are uncomfortable to wear. so glad I found this site I get so much reassurance.
Sw62355 Rainy84
Yes, thank God for this forum! About an hour ago I suddenly got this sharp tingly pain in my cheek and a huge wave of anxiety washed through me from my feet to my head and I thought something awful was about to happen to me. It's so hard to describe. I had to call out to my husband and ask him to sit with me because I was convinced something bad was going to happen. He must secretly think I'm crazy. I came on here for reassurance and it took no time at all to find that others have suffered similar. I don't know how we cope with all this, I really don't.
Rainy84 staci88515
sorry staci I realised its mauiblue that it effects on clothing!! got a bit muddled story of my life at the moment !!