Painful sores on my bikini line?

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About half a year ago I noticed this small lump on my bikini line on the left hand side where my underwear lies, after around 2 months it had increased in size and was very painful!! I struggled to work and it hurt so bad, every so often it would pop by its self and bleed a lot and then go back downs nothing then all of a sudden about a month later it would reappear and start the cyle again. Recently it had disappeared for a while and now I have the exact same thing on the other side "right hand side" of my bikini like in the same place and this is extremely painful to even touch. Where the other one used to be on the left there is now a few small bumps in a circle which are painless, they kind of look like a shrivelled up scar.

Is this harpies? I have a photo but I have no idea how to upload it. What should I do???

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    I think you should get yourself tested with a dermatologist. You didnt seem to mention anything related to intercourse. Perhaps this may not be important. But the important thing is u need to find out how close to your menstrual cycle does this occur. Is there a pattern to this or not.
    • Posted

      Definitely definitely go to GP and get them to refer u to a specialist (dermatologist or STD check up). The good thing abt STDs is that most of them are curable if caught at the right time.

      ​All the best

    • Posted

      Thankyou for your advice, I've my long had an std check up and it was positive for chlamideia, I got treated for that and it has all gone but I noticed the Sored way before that so I don't understand. I will definitely go for a check up and for somebody to have an examination this time Thankyou.
    • Posted

      Hi Bethflower,

      Ru Pls able to share your chlamydia symptoms. I have been called to the doctors on mon for testing and I'm really worried. I suffered a tear in the outer side and the inside skin. And the worst uti to go with it. sad

      They asked me to wait until 2 weeks to show my face!

    • Posted

      Yes of course! It started with really bad grey colour discharge and the discharge just wouldn't stop it was so uncomftable! After having that for about a month I noticed that when the discharge came, it started to smell really bad and it was making me feel ill. I did a bit of research and straight away I thought I had BV so I went to the clinic and they said it was BV, they gave me antibiotics which removed all the symptoms but then my results came positive for chlamydia. And I had my antibiotics and all the symptoms are gone apart from these sites and they're so painful sad
    • Posted

      Oh dear... I am so sorry! Perhaps u should restrain all activity and focus on healing yourself. With all the research I am doing, it seems like all this is curable. Trust in God.

      I am very fortunate tht I dont have a grey discharge. But a yellowish, which has now turned creamy white. Its starting to get paler. The only symptom remains is tht immense electrocution type pain and end stream of my urination. Which is also slowly getting under control witth nuerofen.

      Any-which-way a check is compulsory for me as I cant trust my partner! sad 

      Which I got really scared about after my worst infection of my life.

      Such is this world.

      Beth, keep your mind clear and get lots of sun. It will help kill all germs. Trust me on this. My symptoms got better after a day in the pool and sitting on the warm pavement to relax my pelvic floor muscles.

      Best wishes

    • Posted

      Thankyou very much!! Your symptoms sound to me as if you just have a UTI infection, I'm prone to those I get them at least once a month, if the painkillers are helping them it dosent seem there is anything to worry about but if it carries on then I'd see a doctor if I was you.

      But Thankyouu for your advice and I'll be sure to keep them in mind.

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