Painless hard just below chest during exercise? Hernia? Rib dislocation?

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Hi all,

First time poster. I am waiting for a sonography on the 15th February and keen to get some people's opinions beforehand as I want to get back in the gym ASAP. So I was performing a weighted leg press exercise and that bottom of the exercise I noticed something pop out of place. I stopped the exercise and noticed this lump just below my chest. It felt hard and was painless and went down within a minute or so. I was lying in bed a few days later and just changed position when suddenly the same thing happened again and again disappeared after a minute or so. I took the opportunity to take this photo. Any ideas? Doctor said suspected hernia, physiotherapist friend said suspected dislocated rib?

Thank in advance


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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Just an update, I had a scan and there is no hernia... Doctor was very perplexed and said that she had never seen anything like it. She suggested there was nothing to worry about, but of course that's hardly reassuring when the scan couldn't confirm what it was. Does this suggest that it was indeed most likely to be dislocated cartilage (is that even possible?) or a dislocated rib?

  • Posted

    Since the doctor said no to the hernia didn't she at least address the other possibility that you wondered about?  Not very reassuring when the professionals tell you on one hand not to worry and on the other they don't know what the problem is.  Of course they don't say - no diagnosis no charge.  Is the gym back on schedule?  I guess at this point you have to live your life as usual and hope for the best.  Don't worry because the outcome doesn't change if you worry or if you don't.  Good luck!

  • Posted

    Thank you for the reply. I was of course disappointed that I went to see a specialist and she couldn’t even give me a diagnosis, so I am back in the UK to see a different one. When she confirmed that no hernia appeared on the scan, I mentioned what my physiotherapist had said to me about a dislocated rib/cartilage. She said that that was very possible but was surprised that I felt no pain on both occasions that it’s happened.
  • Posted

    You are an interesting case.  haha  Glad that you will be seeing another "professional".  Keep us up to date on their findings.

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