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Any advice, I suffer really bad with health anxiety and today I keep getting a niggley pain in my chest snd when I poke it it hurts. I was lifting heavy furniture on Wednesday so it could be that. No other symptoms
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Sochima822 karen77710
Where on your chest? If it's in the center or front right or left side it could be either a slight cold or muscle strain although you may also feel muscular pain near your arm pits which would suggest you lifted something heavy.
karen77710 Sochima822
Middle chest plus the muscles down the right side of my neck ache.pains aren't there all the time. Took paracetamol and it eases it
maria_03422 karen77710
Hi Karen
Probably is from the heavy lifting, will be going after a few days and if not you can have the dr check this anxiety that takes over and makes everything 10 times worst
Everyhting will bi ok..i wish to get like that all the time it will get better
karen77710 maria_03422
maria_03422 karen77710
I know is so hard! i use to be at the doctors office every few days till he told me i need to go get a life and stop worrying about constantly getting sick!!!
i got another doctor instead LOL.. i'm trying to make you smile..
i still get the anxiety but not as severe as before and i swear what stopped it no more caffeine, sugars, and alcohol!!! and taking a vit D everyday
For me right now is that i hate travelling away from home, as much as i loved to travel all over the place i'm getting sick just thinking to go visit my daughter 3 hours away...
You will be ok
just breath and let all the bad thoughts out of your mind
Hope you feel better xxx
karen77710 maria_03422
Lol you made me smile Maria thank you. I must admit my dr is fantastic, she really does listen. Plus I'm going through menapause now, that's what started my anxiety off again. I start counselling next week so hopefully that will help. Take care and thank you again x
lana07071 karen77710
I have had that if it is the same, that is. Look up Costochondritis.
karen77710 lana07071
sara50549 karen77710
I eventually saw my gp (I first put it down to fibromyalgia) ,but gp said ,whilst FMS patients can be more prone to this ,it`s not an actual fibro pain ,but costochondritis.
Just finding that out helped me not to worry so much.He also gave me naproxen..Unfortunately these helped a little ,but ,despite having omoprezole for my stomach ,they upset it badly ,plus i came out in ulcers all around my mouth.
My next apt with my gp isn`t until 28th march.Anybody know of anything else i might consider to help the pain ,without awful side effects? Btw ,hope you`re feeling much better now ,and your pain has eased considerably?xx