Pains under the belly button all the way down to Vagina and anal

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Hey, I need some help. I'm a 17 year old girl, and I am having sharp pains from just under the belly button and it's going all the way down to my Vagina and Anal. My periods have been messed up I was bleeding lightly for two straight months and then 2-3 days out of that i had my regular period. I am sexually active with my boyfriend and he's the only one I've ever had sex with, and it does hurt a little during intercourse. But last month I got elbowed on my right side and had to go to the ER and they just said that it was brushing on my ovary. I need answers I'm really scared that I might not be able to have kids although everyone in my family was bales to except my great Aunt and she had medical problems. So I need advice please! 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

      Bleeding a little for so long needs to be checked out preferably, a referral to  a gynaecologist if you havn't seen one already is best especially if it continues any longer. hope it gets better soon
  • Posted

    Dear Brookie,

    This really is something to discuss with your GP. Remember, most people on this forum are not medically trained and can only guess what is wrong with you. You are very young and I would be very surprised if you had IBS.

    To get the best out of your GP list all the symptoms you have and present this list to him or her in a calm and constructive way, If you don't feel you are getting anywhere politely ask to see another GP at your surgery. Please do not worry as there is probably a logical explanation for your symptoms. Make sure you go for any blood test etc that they suggest. If you were my daughter this is the advice I would give. Don't assume anything until you have been properly diagnosed.

    Hope this helps you in some way.

    Best regards


  • Posted

    go to your doctor you are risking your future by not getting every thing checked out. You say your boyfriend is the only one you've had sex with but how many partners has he had? It could also be an umbilical hernia which is easy to treat so stop fafing and get it sorted.KT47

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