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Hello all you gorgeous ladies. I have been in peri since i was 40 I am 45 now still getting periods however sporadic. I have been having more palps lately as period is due in a few days just wondering what anyone does to help and does anything help? I have a cardio apt on the 26th and had an echo 6 months ago and all was good. Just wondering what your experience are and do you have a racing heart or just palps? Any help would be greatly appreciated as i have horrible health anxiety.

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    I've had both. They are horrible and do not help the health anxiety! A few times a week I use a magnesium spray at night before I go to bed. Seems to help with the racing heart/palps as well as anxiety. I know several who take magnesium supplements at night but I can't take the pills-it causes upset stomach in me-so I buy an all natural, 100% magnesium spray at the health food store. After breakfast, I take a multi vit, D3 and calcium to balance it all out.

    • Posted

      Same here i have it both , thank you for sharing i will try the magnesium spray i tried the pill it gave me more palp 😦

  • Posted

    I relate to you my palpitations started when i was 39 im 46 now i had several tests stress test, eco and ct scan all was good , but its affecting my day to day quality life . Its horondus , i have another test tomorrow to have peace of mind .

  • Edited

    I'm 57, thought I'd seen the back of menopause, or at least the straggling tail end...not to be! Sorry to bring you bad news but it seems palpitations can get worse, much worse. I've had a couple of long drawn out episodes which have left me wiped out and still the palpitations hang around; fluttering away just so I don't forget. I had an ECG, no one talked to me, just told that if it was acute the duty doctor would ring me! They didn't ring. My cholesterol blood test wasn't great to add to the anxiety, GP doesn't agree change in cholesterol, stress and menopause are linked!!! Where do you turn? No support system, am an older single parent ( home educating) working part-time, Mum has Alzheimer's ( care for her 1-2 days a week) doesn't get any easier. I didn't go down the HRT route, though in hindsight (oh yes!) and given the very bumpy ride it has been ( and still is) I would almost definitely take it if I was just on the beginning of this journey. I too get dizzy, TMJ, aching joints; the list is endless and while there is a lot more 'talk' of peri/ menopause now, it's still pretty rubbish/intermittent the lack of help, support and probably the most important element, understanding. I'm self employed though I'm sure if I was employed I could be signed-off with stress!!! So, all I can do is sympathise with you all and reassure that this can be a long journey and not to dismiss any symptoms.

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    oh god yes I had them daily for 2 years😔 i was sure I was going to die each time, then all of a sudden they just stopped . I'm 47 in perimenopause. had all test done everything came back normal. Still suffering anxiety especially health anxiety it's not fun this menopause I hate it🥺

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    I had palpitations really bad last year. Went away for awhile now back again. If mine are real bad I get a skipped beat every 2 beats sometimes for hours. I get extremely worked up which makes them worse. I also get shortness of breath.I think it's pure anxiety. My mom had a heart attack back in April and I was with her when it happened.So now I think I'm having a heart attack all the time. It sucks.

  • Posted

    I am having heart palpitations now as I text!!! It feels awful!! I'm trying to breath through them. They started earlier this week, mostly intermittent, went away for a few hours on yesterday, and resurfaced last night and this morning. I am 54 and this symptom of menopause started 3 years ago. It seems as though it only occur when the weather is changing from summer to fall but would only last for a few days. This episode is the longest that I have every had it. I'm headed to the store to get some magnesium to see if it will help.

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