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Hi girls anybody heart goes off at every little thing I find that just having a conversation about things and it starts up.. I'm not even thinking about it just start going 

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    This happens to me all the time, if I even think about something upsetting I start getting palpitations, I have terrible health anxiety so I am always monitoring every sensation, I can’t imagine this ever going away now I’ve had it so long, i would love to hear from someone who has had these symptoms and now they have gone away, at least there would be a bit of hope xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Caroline, yes I wonder if my palpations will stop too not nice I heard they go with time after meno mine is like yours how is your BP mine high 
    • Posted

      My bp is ok 123/84 not perfect but not bad to say how anxious I am. My heart rate is always high not bad first thing in the morning but gradually gets higher during the day xx
    • Posted

      Hi lucky you with that reading..maybe is me worrying it use to read at 130 that not bad all of a sudden put down to that our sleep 
  • Posted

    I have had this 5 months now and I even fear going out the house , socialising , shopping  because as soon as it starts I panic and want home . If I am home I pace the floor . I also suffer anxiety and I am not living my life at the moment 
    • Posted

      Hi Clare, well I go out the house to do do the shopping and pay the bills and go to the dr apart from that I don't socialise either, I got Anxiety too and also walk up and down at home if that's what you mean... None of us living our lives properly but I was told it will stop, my BP is high what about yours it's scary 

    • Posted

      Hi Maria 

      I’m so paranoid about my health , BP and pulse I actually bought myself a BP monitor, some days it’s high some days it’s fine.was in the supermarket this morning and came all over panicky and detached feeling . I had to rush to get home it was just awful. Missed out on a girls weekend as the thought scares me away from home , my friends just don’t get it ... 

      Keep going 💕

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