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I keep getting a regular fluttering feeling quite high up in the middle of my chest. Feels very much like palpitations but is happening so often I am wondering if it is more likely to be some kind of indegestion. I take 20mg of omeprazole daily for acid reflux. I have had heart scans etc etc. Does anyone else have this similar feeling?

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi kelly

    a palpitation is usually a feeling of the heart thumping ... You can feel it ..

    rapid heart etc ... Beating like a pulse in your chest ..

    dont know if thats what you feel 

    jay xx 

  • Posted

    Its a hard ine to explain ..

    Heart palpitations are heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable.

    Your heart may feel like it is pounding, fluttering or beating irregularly, often for just a few seconds or minutes.

    You may also feel these sensations in your throat or neck.

    jay xx

  • Posted

    I get that feeling from time to time as well. But when I take my pulse it is normal and I have had a EKG in the past few months at it was normal. But it is almost like a fluttering is the best way to describe


    • Posted

      Yes most definitely feels like a flutter but been happening with avengeance this evening. Feels like a palpitation but I have indegestion too xx
    • Posted

      Hi Kelly

      when i have had palpitations mine have been quite a pounding heart rate .

      😩. Like its going to leap out 

      i use to get heart burn ( indigestion ) when i was in peri too.

      not often .. 

      Certain foods triggerd mine .. Spicy, cucumber etc 

      oh the joys 

      jay xx


    • Posted

      As you go through the menopause, your body undergoes hormonal changes, and these can have unexpected effects on the rest of your body, including your digestive system.

      The hormone oestrogen has a direct impact on the hormone cortisol, also known as the stress hormone.

      When the level of oestrogen is high, cortisol is low, keeping your blood sugar and pressure at the appropriate reading.

      However, as you go through the menopause, the level of oestrogen in your body decreases, meaning that cortisol is not kept in check.

      Adrenalin can easily be triggered in the body when the calming influence of oestrogen is missing.

      This switches digestive function off, and when the digestive system is not working at its optimum level, a range of digestive problems can arise.

      Wind/Gas can build up, causing bloating; food can pass through without being fully broken down, causing constipation; acid can break down the mucous lining of the stomach wall, causing abdominal pain or indigestion.

  • Posted

    I was having that all day yesterday and it wasn't my heart. My pulse was normal. It felt to me, more like a nerve twitching something like when the nerve twitches in your eyelid. It may be associated with indigestion because I had a bad bout of indigestion yesterday.  Saw my gastrointerologist who also put me on 20mg of omeprazole. Hope this helps.
  • Posted

    Yep - me too. Had it really bad at the beginning of peri. It's gotten much better now that I am getting closer to actual menopause.
  • Posted

    Try to avoid things that trigger them. For example:

    Reduce anxiety and stress. Anxiety and stress (including panic attacks) are a common cause of harmless palpitations.

    Relaxation exercises, yoga or tai chi, biofeedback or guided imagery, or aromatherapy may help you relax.

    Avoid or limit stimulants, such as caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol.

    Avoid illegal drugs, such as cocaine and amphetamines.

    Avoid medicines that act as stimulants, such as cough and cold medicines and some herbal and nutritional supplements.

  • Posted

    Did you also have any gas/bloating that moved from your arm to your shoulder and back?
  • Posted

    I did to the point I took myself to the hospital it hurt so bad. I know it wasn't a heart attack because I could breath I just didn't want to. After blood tests and an ultrasound mega indigestion. I felt like an idition. It actually felt like someone was stabbing my in the back.


    • Posted

      I know. When that bloating and pressure is right there under your chest it does feel odd when you go to take a breath. I had a real bad case of gas and went to the ER and they did an EKG, Chest xray and did blood work only to tell me it was gastritis. I was relieved I wasn't having a heart attack or that my lung wasn't collasping or something. All of these symptoms are so confusing and frustrating and frightening. You never know when it's a real emergency or not.
  • Posted

    I know. Eventhough I am 99.9% sure it's nothing the emothions overide and I near drive my self insane


    • Posted

      Yeah i really believe it is mostly our emotions that make us get worked up. I know for me it is. I let my mind run wild with all of these worse case scenarios. Then that leads to anxiety attacks. I need to learn to calm myself and remember that these are some of the things that happen during peri. 
    • Posted

      Hi Shar 😊

      how are you ..

      i must agree.. Things always seem 100 times worse in peri, seems we worry alot about everything dont we ..

      i had this too, still do abit on ocassion 😞 but I have a word with myself and realise how wonderful life is.. and we are as happy as we make it ..

      try and think positive hun, ( hard i know at times ) but it does help ..

      be kind to yourself ... 

      Jay xx


    • Posted

      Yes, i think it would help if we tried to pamper ourselves more and surrounded ourselves with the people and things that we most enjoy to boost ourselves during this time.

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