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morning ladies
how are you all doing? I been getting these horrible palpations I get a sort of pause hollow feeling in chest hen a sort of flutter feel like I cant take a breath all lasting about 5 or 6 secs . trouble is they set off my health anxiety and then I thi k I'm gonna drop down dead with heart failure. anyone else get anything similar?
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serena11274 Rainy84
yes had this about six weeks ago, was sitting in bed then felt like a thud in chest and couldn't breathe for few seconds , i then had a rush of heat and had to run to bathroom, no nausea but i think the anxiety it gave me was my bodies reaction, ive had these in the past but this one was bad, i posted it on a womens forum and a nurse responded saying it sounded like a PVC, where the heart skips or has extra beats, she said most people get them at some point, ive had tachycardia now for last year and half which comes and goes, i can only put it down to peri as had every test possible and seen cardioligist, i never even noticed my heart in the past till now, however did have quite few of what im assuming are PVCs 8 years ago when i lost my father.
thank you so much for reply. I dont get them everyday probably 2/3 times a week. it's the cant breath thing that scared me and yes that causes anxiety.
serena11274 Rainy84
yes i agree the part where you cant breathe is really scary
Kadija1966 Rainy84
Its the anxiety that makes it difficult to breathe when you get palpitations. I guess its psychological, its what my doctor say, when we get the palpitations then we get scared and panic which brings all sorts. I use to get it 3yrs ago at start of perimenopause, it use to raise my blood pressure and cause migraine type headaches, losing control and i ended up in the ER, all kinds of tests negative.
Im sure its our hormones with this menopause. Have not had it for sometime now, but its been replaced by other new symptoms now. So i would not worry too much.
This week its ribs and shoulder pain for me.