Palpitations for 3 days is this normal

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ive been getting palpiations for three days off and on in my neck area... like where your neck meets your chest.. ive got it before but not this long... i went to the ER two weeks ago and they did an EKG that was normal ... but its like i have health anxiety and when one aymptoms gone another comes up and it happens to be palpitations... is this normal?! my anxiety is so bad lately and i just need reassurance.. i hate feeling this way i cant just live a normal life with my kids cause im always anxious.. waiting to see a counselor tho but any advice or reassurance will help oh and i just feel like strong heart beats or like i can feel them at times

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4 Replies

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    palpitations are extremely common with anxiety. They are not harmful. There are people who get them every single day. Your EKG was normal so you can relax.

    One of the reasons you keep getting symptoms after one goes away is because you are over thinking it. The more you think about it and worry the more you will get symptoms. That’s because you are telling your brain that something is wrong so the body sends out adrenaline for the fight or flight response. Adrenaline increases the heart rate. eventually it wears off.

    Try to take charge and do something else besides think about it. Get on line and listen to some meditations for breathing and anxiety. The breathing exercises for anxiety actually lower the heart rate.

    don’t give into the fear because it’s only a useless emotion. It works a lot better for me when I get tough with myself and do things to actually benefit myself. if it doesn’t benefit you, don’t do it.

    you are fine. relax, breathe, take a nice warm bath, go for a walk, anything but overthinking! ❤

    • Posted

      thank you! Its so stressful and its a neverending cycle .. but im trying and i hope once i start seeing a counselor itll help me

    • Posted

      hey lovely.

      i have really bad palpatations too. ive had it since 8 and it doesent get easier im now 30. ive just gone onto citalapram 20mg and its going crazy! really makes my anxiety worse when it happens such s viscious cycle. have you had an echo and everything done?


    • Posted

      ive had them off and on for awhile... a coule years back i saw a cardiologist.. but i havent had one done recently... just EKG... its been about two years since i had a stress test and scan done on my heart... everything was good.. i went yo ER two weeks ago and EKG was good also .. this past year along with everybdoy else it was bad for me ... i was in ER for trauma and had to have surgery and my lung collapsed .. then a couple months later i got covid so all of that traumatized me and my anxiety has been bad since .. i think im just thinkng too much.. and conventrating on it too much but it it continues ill go to my dr ... i have some labs theyre gonna do for me to check my cortisol levels .. other than that all my labwork is pretty good... sorry to hear that youre having problems... its horrible feeling this way

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