Palpitations , hot flashes weight gain around the middle. Depressed

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Please desperate, can't live like this. It's horrible. I used to be fit exercise everyday. two years ago was my last period. I still exercise but not intense like I used to my body temperature is way to hot to start with.I hardly eat now. I watch everything I put in my mouth now. It just doesn't matter the fat around my stomach is grosssssss. The hot flashes are not all the time now but when they do happen at night then there is no getting back to sleep. I go days without having a night where I slept more than two hours in a row. I'm always waking up after two hours. This is not living. I have not taken anything and do not want anything by prescription but if anyone has a natural not harmful recommendations I'm all ears. Please I feel like I'm walking around in someone else's body. These palpitations at night are horrible once they kick in I can't get to sleep either......HELP TY

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    I am the very same! My shape has changed completely and i am really struggling to come to terms with the fact that i cant fit into my clothes anymore and all i hear is god sake u are 52 u look fine ! Well i dont feel fine itchy all over bloated cant exercise cos im tired and too hot! Cant sleep heart bangin in my chest was so loud i thot someone was at my door!

    I do take venlafaxine which has stopped the 20 plus flushes per day i get a few but terrible at night. I have tried so many natural things nothing works😡

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    We all hear you!

    Here is what I take daily:

    magnesium 500 mg

    Japanese Oyster Extract 500 mg

    DIM-plus 2 caps (estrogen metabolism)

    B12 500 mg

    Caltrate 600+D3 2 caps

    I also make a shake from OJ, beet root powder and brewer's yeast

    I take Wild Sockeye Salmon caps most days and or eat Sockeye Salmon filets

    I grew the belly fat too. I hate it. It's like parasite on my body. Everything fits except there. So I now keep a food diary. Turkey breast, salmon and loads of veg. Fresh spinich salads several times a week.

    I swim laps five days a week for about 45 mins.

    I have lost ten pounds with about 25 more to go.

    Lastly, I am going for ovarian rejuvenation. I wan to see if I can reverse menopause. I want my hormones functioning again to prevent, brittle bones, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

    I still have anxiety but not as bad. The swimming really makes me feel so much better. No more achy joints and muscles. No more painful feet. I am 59. And I did not have aggravating symptoms until about 6 months ago. I don't know what happened. Its hormones. I also do meditation tapes for the anxiety. It all sucks.

    I can't wait to do ovarian rejuvenation.

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    what is ovarian rejuvenation?

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  • Posted

    Hi Dee,,, I really feel for you, I Have horrible heart palpitations, my heart does flip flops, speeds, beats really hard for long periods of time always at night... I also only sleep two hours at a time most often, but i have found if i am religious about taking a bath before bed, then taking magnesium, then taking melatonin/L Theanine sleep gummie, possible drink sleepytime tea, and i also have zanax which i dont like to take, its the lowest dosage and if i have to i take 1half, specially if i have a hard day at work the next day, i can maybe get 4 hours but im always sleep deprived!!! good luck hun❤️❤️❤️MAYBE SOMETHING WILL HELP

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