Palptaions !

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Hi ,

I have been having palpitations often however each time i get it,I seem to go into paniic mode with my breathing getting deeper...

Does anyone else go thruoght this? It causes my anxiety also..any advice to get in out of control without meds..thanx

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    Wendy thank goodness I saw this! I have just the exact same thing happen just now. I was sat down trying to pull myself together when I saw your post. It's horrendous isn't it? I was driving on my own last week and had an episode had to pull over into a lay by. It's scaring me to death. I'm sure I'm having heart attack. My chest feels heavy and breathing laboured. 

    It it doesn't last long thankfully and tends to happen mid morning. I can fully sympathise with you but unfortunately I don't have any answers. 

    Keep  in touch and let me know how you get on. Much love ??


  • Posted

    Meditative breathing can help in the short term.

    The hard part is not to let anxiety take over. You've got to remember that you'll get through it and you're not going to die.

  • Posted

    I go through the same thing. It is really difficult. I usually grab my iPad and try to watch something funny until I get sleepy again. Mine always wakes me from sleep.
  • Posted

    Mine symtoms are all mental. Have you called your gyn??
    • Posted

      Hi Becky I'm anxious and very irratible. I'm at my doc now waiting to see him. I'm hoping for something to relieve these aweful symtoms. I will keep you posted. I hope that I will not have to try various things before I find relief. This is very tough.

    • Posted

      Awwww Colleen, im sorry! I hope that you can get some relief. Yes please keep me posted on what they say. Praying for you!
    • Posted

      Hi Becky,

      Thanks for the warm wishes. I went to see my gyn today to discuss my symtoms. He also specializes in endocrinology. He gave me a script for synthroid to be taken daily and another medication which I couldn't make out on the script pad but is taken on day16.

  • Posted

    Hey Wendy! We ALL get it and it ALL sucks. I just said to a colleague today how I MISS my old self.

    Running around enjoying life without confiction.

    HATE HATE HATE menopause!!! Actually jealous of anyone not going through this.

    "The sun will come out tomorrow?"

  • Posted

    Awful isnt it, I had an episode twice while driving, it is really scary, taking magnesium does help with the anxiety, when it happens try to focus on your breathing (hard I know when you're panicking) but I did this when it happened and it eventually cleared. I breath in through my nose and slowly out through pursed lips! If you can get breathing under control the panic will cease x

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