Pancreas or gallbladder..
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Hi everyone. I'm new here and just wanted to see if anyone out there has or is experiencing what I have been.
This has been going on off and on for over a year but in the passed 2 months it has gotten worse.
Anything I eat goes right thru me shortly after I eat. My stomach cramps up, underneath my right rib I feel bad pressure and pain, around to my back starts aching as well. Sometimes my whole chest feels like someone is sitting on it. I get a low grade fever when it gets too bad. I'm either constipated or have bad diarrhea which is what I have most. Sometimes it's light colored..during vacation last week it was green for 3 days. Nausea all thru the day but normally doesn't last too long. No appetite and when I do get hungry I can just eat a little and get full already.
I've had a ultrasound on my gallbladder which showed it was compressed and staying that way..but still considered "normal" even though my Nurse Practitioner said that could be causing my issues. Had a Hida scan which showed my Ejection fraction was 85%. Discussed it with my doctor and he said it is "normal". I did ask about overactive gallbladder but he didn't seem too interested in that idea.
He referred me to a Gastro and got blood work for allergies,stomach bug and lipase this was Monday. They called me back that day to say my lipase (pancreas levels) was high (153) and to avoid alcohol and to keep my gastro appt. Well the soonest they could get me into a gastroenterologist is oct 29th..and I'm not sure how much longer I can stay feeling like this. I'm so frustrated of waiting. I understand they want to make sure they diagnose the right thing and it can take time but I feel like I'm falling apart in the process. I did have some beers on vacation last week which didn't cause me any pain after thankfully but if it was my pancreas I would think it would have. Ice cream, dairy and red meats seems to irritate me the most but it's getting to where anything I eat can upset it more. I'm normally around 130lb and I weigh 110lb now. I started at 142lbs and lost 20lbs in almost 2 months. Then lost more quickly with whatever this is going on.
Any ideas or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!
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judith50134 lindsloo
I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitus in June 2016. I went to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack because of severe pain in my left shoulder, arm and left side of my face. They did more than the usual blood work because it wasn't my heart. I had an ultra sound and then a cat scan w/contrast and found an abundance of calcification in my pancreas. The most I would drink at that time was 1 or two mixed drinks a week. When I found out I had pancreatitus I stopped completely. I have had symptoms since such as a very tight feeling around my ribs and pain in my abdomen and back. My pain has been tolerable up until the other day. All of a sudden severe pain in my ribs, abdomen and all over my back. I thought I would pass out. Also I felt like I had a fever and couldndn't stop shaking. After a while the pain subsided, but I was exhausted. I went for a second opinion and just had another MRI yesterday and waiting for the results. The last one in June showed sludge in my gallbladder and the second opinion doctor was surprised nobody suggested taking out my gallbladder. My first gastro doctor doesn't seem as concerned as the second opinion doctor, but I will find out more on my appt. Monday. I have no family history of problems with my pancreas so I have been diagnosed with Idiopathic chronic pancreatitus which I guess started a long time ago. Totally shocked and it has turned my life upside down. I would stay away from alcohol until you find out a definite diagnosis and easy on fatty foods and sugar. Hope all works out for you. Also I was 115lbs. And now I am 102lbs.
lindsloo judith50134
Thank you for your response and I'm very sorry about your painful experience as well.
Yup no more alcohol till I get this figured out. I'm hoping to maybe get in sooner and see which one it is. I'm very curious as to which I have.
I hope you find good news at your appt Wednesday.
Guest lindsloo
I could write pages and pages. My first acute attack my lipase was just under 4,000. I was in a coma for several weeks. I ignored symptoms for about a year till the night I had pain so bad I thought I was dying. Went to ER and was in a coma a few hours later. Fast forward 2+years later, I can't even count how many times I've been in the ER and have spent too many weeks in the hospital. I don't mean to sound like your demise is like mine. I'm just saying fight for yourself. My doctors are great but they haven't lived what I have ya know. I'm currently just stuck in horrible pain
lindsloo Guest
I completely understand! I'm sorry for all that you've had to gone through. I know what you mean on fighting for yourself and sometimes we have to be a squeaky wheel to be heard.
NixKiwiWolf lindsloo
That sounds like pancreatitis - while you're waiting for your appointment, keep to a low fat diet (look up pancreatitis diet online) and avoid alcohol completely. This should help with the pain and your bowels as the pancreas won't have to work as hard. Eat little and often to alleviate strain on your digestive system. A heat pad or wheatbag on your tum is very soothing. Drink LOTS of water.
I'm no doctor and I don't want to scare you but my pancreatitis turned out be caused by a bile duct tumour. Of course, not everyone with pancreatitis has cancer but even on its own it's a rotten condition to deal with and manage. Ask lots of questions when you go to the doctor, make notes and take someone with you as you won't remember everything. Pester them if you have to. These kind of issues are not to be messed around with.
judith50134 NixKiwiWolf
Thank you for your advice. I never drank a lot so it was easy to give up. This is such a scary disease and they don't know why I have it. My Mom, brother and my son have all had kidney stones, but nothing with their pancreas. I am trying to stick to a low fat diet, but I know every once in awhile I go off. I try to drink Hi Protein Boost as I am trying to stay away from red meat. I will take your advice and write down my questions and take a notepad with me. The doctor I am going to on Monday will have the results of the MRI I just had. He mentioned my gallbladder twice as I think he couldn't believe my regular gastro doctor never mentioned it. It is very confusing as I don't know who to believe. Thanks again for your response and just saying a few prayers that somehow I can adapt and stay positive.
lindsloo NixKiwiWolf
Thank you for your advise. I hope it's not but it very well may be. My Nana had pancreatitis 2 times when I was younger and was with her during them all. It was horrible and she had to be hospitalized for days during it. I did good yesterday on eating and i felt alight all day today, just a little uncomfort around my right rib. I did break off path today on eating and had a few boneless BBQ wings (my daughters birthday) and am paying for it now. I kind of hope it's my gallbladder so they can just take it out but I understand they want to rule out anything else because it very well may be.
I'm very prepared for my next doc visit 👍🏻!