Pancreas pain relief - what works for you?

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Over my 11 months of being a pancreas patient, I've gone from using Norco 5, to dilaudid (while in the hospital) and an opeid (while hospitalized) to presently on a regime of two Norco 10 (as pain occurs) with zofran for nauseau.  I'm NOT on Creon/enzymes and am not sure why my dr didn't put me on them.  I'm told the doc I have is known and prestigious in his field throughout the world so really hate the idea of a second opinion.  What seems to be working for most of you?  

What's your general diet?  Mine is - oatmeal/toast for breakfast; tuna/egg salad or bacon/egg/cheese croissant for lunch; mashed potatoes/bean casserolle, ham or chicken for dinner.  I squeeze in a protein shake sometimes in lieu of a meal and drink tons of water.  Any other suggestions?

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5 Replies

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    As long as you stay away from fatty foods and complex carbohydrates you should be in a better position.  I was on opiates for a year and half, which did aleviate the pain.  However, tolerence and dependence set in and it is unavoidable.  You may want to ask your doctor about a Spinal Cord Stimulator to help take away the pain.  I've had mine for almost 1 1/2 years and it is giving me a better quality of life and has allowed me to do activiites that I had to stop once CP set in. 
  • Posted

    I take Percocet and gabapentin (a nerve blocker for pain).  Also take Creon.  My diet is pretty limited, I was told not to eat anything with more than 3g fat per ounce.  I get most of my calories from liquids.  If you can tolerate bacon/egg/cheese on a croissant, you may not need Creon.  william65322, what is a Spinal Cord Stimulator?  I could really use something to improve my quality of life!!
    • Posted

      The Spinal Cord Stimulator (SCS) was originally desgiend to help people with chronic pain in their back, legs, etc.  They found the SCS can also be a possible solution to the pain with CP.  The SCS is implanted in the lower back down by your hip and then 32 small eltrodes are placed on the spinal cord.  The device tells your brain that you feel a tinggling sensation and not pain.  The SCS is progamable and can target specific aeras of the body.  There is a remote control that allows you activate and change the settings.  It will not take away all the pain, but it can get you off of the opitaes and onto non-narcotic medicines.  If you goto the Boston Scientific website it provides in good deatil what it does. 
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    Thank you.  I take a nerve blocker with my pain meds (Neurontin), but this seems like something worth talking to my doctor about.
  • Posted

    My pain stopped after put on enzymes also low fat diet with No diary at all even on enzymes this has taken the pain away still have nausea on occasion

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