Panic Attack
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Hi ladies,
Need some help!
Not sure what's happening to me recently, but I'm experiencing numerous issues which have all arisen in the last couple of months. These include sweating, succession of hot flashes, hyperventilation, compulsive obsessive disorder , anxiety, bouts of sudden anger , deep seated fear, extreme tiredness, the list goes on...
I was told earlier this year before such symptoms emerged by a medical professional that I was peri-menopausal, and was sent on my way.
I had just turned 45 years then and it was a real slap in the face, I know that my periods had ceased a year before but still I didn't want to believe it!
Anyway this Saturday just gone I was traveling by overground train to visit my family on the other side of London. I hate this journey always, it freaks me out at the best of times. It takes a few hrs and I'm with 7 year old son. On the second train I began feeling nauseous and struggled to get up a leave. On the platform walking towards the exit I felt even more light headed, but felt comfort ed in the fact that my family would be collecting me from outside. I managed to exit with my son beside me , I suddenly begun to panic when I didn't see my uncle. All of a sudden whilst in the midst of a phone conversation I felt constricted in the back of my throat as though I was choking and I fell to the ground, I couldn't talk and was struggling to breathe, right then and there I thought my time had come and that I would die.
The general public were phenomenal, people raced around us helping my son and I . An ambulance was called, I was totally unresponsive at first like I was in a different timeline to those bodies hovering over and around us. I was petrified!
Has anyone experienced anything similar and is there any natural remedy out there that will help me and calm my anxiety. Thanks 🙏🏻
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Guest radhandrea
My sister is 56 and she reached full meno at 53. She now gets panic attacks just like you are getting. She even finds herself trying to jump out of cars when she starts having an attack. I think it must be the lack of hormones. What else could it be? I think she should keep some anti anxiety meds with her, she refuses, but if it were me, I'd take it when I needed it. You won't get hooked on the stuff if you only take it occasionally when you need it the most. Otherwise, there are aromatherapy options out there, I'm sure others will give you better advice than I can. Just know that you aren't alone.
dawn70425 radhandrea
Sorry to hear that you are feeling this way, the menopause is for me hell on earth. And seems to be for a lot of ladies on here, all you are saying sounds like what most of us going through or gone through so your not on your own at all...
U said about natural meds, Iv tried ' kalms' tablets they are herbal and are for the menopause and anxiety, they take the edge of the symptoms, and are helpful for a lot of woman, but you have to try first and see if they work for you, most places will sell them, chemist, abd that,and they are on the Internet as well if you want to read up on them, there as been good reviews about them too...
That's all I can offer other then I'm always here to listen to you, as your not on your own..
Not sure if other woman have any good ideas for you on here, but keep trying ...
🙂X take care
annie-mae radhandrea
Hi Radhandrea, I feel for you, I really do! Your symptoms mirror mine and for a while now I've had extreme dizziness and several episodes when I've been out (either alone or with my 7yr old son) and had a similar attack - managing not to pass out by sheer determination. It's terrifying. I know that the dizziness causes me to have panic attacks but knowing that and being able to deal with it at acute times is very different. I'm still worried I have an undiagnosed serious illness... I haven't an answer for you (so wish I had) but wanted you to know you are so not alone. And I'd be interested to know ow about supplements etc too. Take care. Annie-mae xx
2chr2015 radhandrea
Hi radhandrea. Yes I have also had a couple of similar episodes. I carry some anti anxiety pills with me just in case. I don't have to take them very often, but if I need one, it only takes about 15 minutes for it to settle the anxiety. So it's worth it to me
Gypsy014 radhandrea
Hi radhandrea, that had to be so scary, especially since you had your son with you...have you always had anxiety/panic/ocd and it just got worse with peri/memo?? I sure feel your pain I'm right there with you! Peri/ memo hit me like a MAC truck head on ... And it all started for me when I turned 45, that seems to be the magical number!
All though I definitely felt all kinds of symptoms before 45, around beginning of 40s that I didn't even think could be peri/memo until I turned 45 and all he'll broke loose... I'm what I'm guessing a year and a half into what I call absolutely unbearable symtpms that nobody should have to go thru ever, I will be 47 in a couple months, and I had a hysterectomy years ago so I don't know where I would be at in my cycle as I still have my ovaries but no bleed,but I can say my symptoms are all over the place with very bad anxiety/ocd and agoraphobia which I think all started because I would get the panic/anxiety just like you whenever I would try and go somewhere. Its awful and I feel for you..
I would never pass out like you but have come pretty darn close, and for that reason it keeps me homebound! I also have anxiety to meds very scared to take them.. I just started CBT for my anxiety, and the mindfulness videos on the internet help a lot ..maybe try some of them, you can even look up the CBT videos on the internet and practice them if you don't or feel you can't see a therapist.. Perimenopause has taken a huge chunk out of me and has left me feeling like I have no confidence, and like a scared child.. I use to do everything I was unstoppable!! But I must say it has stopped me in my tracks for sure, I can no longer work, and I feel like I can not cope with any STRESSFUL situations, the ANXIETY becomes 10 fold.. So now I just take all and I do mean each and every symptom day by day hour by hour and minute by minute literally, thsts really all I can do, and hope it gets better one day soon! I have a 7 year old grandson and a 2 year old grandson , that I use to do everything with, and just can't anymore until this all passes! Can't and won't even pick him up from school anymore! It sucks, but does help to try and not venture to far from home while going thru this and like I said hope one day it eases up..take care and know your not alone, many many other woman feeling the same?