Panic Attack

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So i was diagnosed with GAD in august of 2018. been on sertertraline (second medicine) for a few weeks. anxiety had been manageable but today i had a really bad anxiety attack that came out of no where. i seriously thought something bad was about to happen or that i was about to die. i was TERRIFIED. ive calmed down thankfully, but still thinking about it and how scary it was. anyone have any thoughts or relations? when i get panic attacks i get really hot, my thoughts go into overdrive, and i cannot keep still. i still get scared that i might have something serious wrong in my head despite reassurance from my doc and psychiatrist. !!!!

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    the worst feeling in the world a panic attack. its horrible 😦.. I have been on sert about 12 weeks now. and I still get them. only little ones now tho. and they are easing off. so it dose get better. I can promise that 😃 but I have propranolol aswell. and its really good for preventing panic attacks. it calms you right down. it stop the racing heart and your body racing. they do help. but try and stay strong and positive 😃 we will get better 😃

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      anxiety and panic. I think I'm getting better tho. still feel shocking in a morning. but better as the day goes on 😃.

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      I'm suffering really bad with anxiety more at night time propanalol helps a bit but not enough to get me threw the night I was on sertraline but made my anxiety worse

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      I'm ok at night until I go to sleep. then I have really vivid dreams and wake up and have to play o my phone because of panic. but I think its getting better

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      thank you... my docs never gave me anything for the panic attacks due to them being addictive... they just really shake me up and make me feel really scared that something is wrong inside my head thats causing them bc sometimes they happen for no reason, no known trigger... which is esp scary. im upping my dose of sert thurs i believe to 100mg....

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      that's how all this started for me. I had a panic attack from no wear. and now I'm full of anxity and panic. but I'm more in control of it now tho. just hang in their 😃 things will get better..

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      Ryan how do you deal with these attacks I find it impossible sometimes

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      when I feel them come on. I try and stay calm and breath. it's hard to explain. but I think cos the medication is kicking in. I'm able to control them. but in all honesty when I first had them. I thort I was going to die. to the point wear I rang 999.. not a very nice feeling.

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      When i get them i dont get chest pains. is that normal? all that usually happens is i get very hot and cant control my thoughts and they go completely all over the place and negative and i cant sit still. lots of people i know who have anxiety get chest pains but since i dont, is that normal? sort of was making me feel like it isnt anxiety since i dont get the chest pains.

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      I dont get chest pains with my anxiety but I'm on propanalol so probley why I dont

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      I dont get chest pains either. i never did. but i do get the rest. hot and thaugts all o or the place.

    • Posted

      Hi same here never had chest pains or palps with panic attacks, just very hot, a bit dizzy, faint feeling and a very strong urge to run away. They are adrenaline rushes making our fight or flight hormones kick in and if you add anxiety to the mix that is why we think something really bad is going to happen although invariably it never does. We cannot control them coming on, as you say there is usually no trigger but we can control the length and strength of them. When you feel one coming on stop what you are doing if possible, tell yourself it just a feeling nothing bad is going to happen, focus on your breathing, try to relax and let be, the feeling will soon go and once you have done this a few times you brain will get the message and not bother trying to make you feel like it again. Take control and you be fine, once the meds have kick in fully you will find things so much easier

    • Posted

      thanks everyone. your responses are extremely helpful. knowing im not alone in what im feeling and going through is soooo helpful. i just wish i could stop the "what ifs" and the feeling of being in a dream, that this isnt real. or the questioning that my docs are wrong and something is actually wrong in my brain (even though theyve never given me a ct). i feel like im letting everyone down by going through this horrible spurt of anxiety. even tho my docs tell me its just anxiety, its hard to shake the feeling that it might be something worse, ESP when ive been hyper vigilant about body sensations...

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