Panic, Depression, Peri, Really?
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Hello I'm 47 and my cycles are now closer together as well as just unpredictable. I've had issues with anxiety in the past but now it is through the roof and worse in the morning usually. Add to that depression which I've never had at this level along with something completely new, agoraphobia. I know moods can get worse in perimenopause but can it really get this bad?
4 likes, 12 replies
kimberly96221 Natalie208
Yes!! Mornings are the worst. I don't want to go to bed because i fear waking up. Has your appetite been effected by your anxiety and depression? Mine has so bad. All I want to do is eat normal again!!
Natalie208 kimberly96221
Yes, my appetite is horrid. I make fattening shakes because it's easier for me to drink then to eat. I hear you about not want to go to bed for fear of waking up. This is unreal. Thanks for responding.
HopefulTrina Natalie208
It definitely can be bad. It seems that my anxiety is all month long. During ovulation and period is the worst. I'm 46 and just want my life back before perimenopause 😥😥
Natalie208 HopefulTrina
Yes all month long for me now, too and also worse around ovulation. Not sure what happens around that time. I wish I could just go back to having PMS.
christine-Perim Natalie208
me too. i am so over all of this.
ampat1 Natalie208
yes I also have anxiety that's sky high, terrible headaches and ear fullness, ringing, sleepless nights. My mornings are tough, I too wake up with anxiety, nausea. I also have loss of appetite.My anxiety is an every day thing since last year, but it definitely gets worse around periods and ovulation. I never knew hormones can cause this much much pain. I can't wait to have my life back.
bev27429 Natalie208
Yes, hormones can absolutely do this, and it can be this bad! It is totally unreal, like nothing that I have ever experienced or thought possible. It is really beyond human endurance. Over the past two years, my mood has been all over the map from elation to apathy to anxiety to dark, dark depression to feeling calm and happy. It is incredibly exhausting to deal with.
I am two years into this, and I am hoping that I am nearing the end of peri soon.
If it wasn't for the amazing support system that I have in my life, I don't think that I would have made it; it has been that bad!!!
claire38123 Natalie208
Never had anxiety until i thought i was dying in jan this year woke up 3am sweating,shacking,palpitations and horrible all over feeling this kept happening most nights for weeks and was terrifying me then a visit to my GP and breaking down in floods of tears in front of him he done loads of tests and all clear apart from i was peri menopausal so he put me on the sick for the whole of jan,feb and march with peri menopausal anxiety and heres me after having an hysterectomy at 39 but keeping my ovaries at 46 thinking i was having a heart attack every night and its all down to bloody hormones but the health anxiety has got a hold of me and its awful i always think the worse even though nothing bad has happened the symptoms are crazy scary so big hugs to all and lets hope this rubbish ends soon xx
Thanks everyone for your replies. I really hope this is hormones and not insanity. I guess there's no way to know for sure until we/I become post menopausal. I'm glad I found this forum because I feel so isolated with all of this. I'm looking for success stories on here to give me some hope. It's so hard to know how much is hormones and how much is just that I am doomed to end up drooling in a crazy house.
kimberly96221 Natalie208
I had a dr appt today and she recommended I take a magnesium supplement daily. Its suppose to help with anxiety and helps reduce cortisol to help with a better night sleep. I did some research and I like what I read so giving it a shot.
Natalie208 kimberly96221
Yes magnesium can help. I like the magnesium spray because it doesn't mess with my GI system. Right now even heavy duty tranquilizers are no match for my hormones.
beth10287 Natalie208
i am going through the same things. insomnia anxiety panic disorder feeling like i am inna dream hot flashes that i dont sweat with just on fire on the inside. no appetite at all. health anxiety and fear and now i dont like crowded places. this is really getting to me. we need to stay strong