Panick attack
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Hi Ladies after more reassurance. My period started last night and this morning I feel terrible but can't rally explain why and driving to work all I kept thinking that there was something serious wrong and gave myself a panick attack at work typing this feeling all shaky please help x
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sarah63813 donna27148
sarah63813 donna27148
nikiola18292 donna27148
Ha yes i think i can vouch for everyone here, we all get THAT feeling. I have learnt to recognise what it is now and it is much easier doing that. I am 50, diagnosed (finally) peri menopausal by doctors whilst on a mamoth 8 day period (never had that before), been coming on for 3 days for the past 2/3 years. I have had panic attack etc, really bad anxiety, it freaked me out then as i did not really contribute it to being peri menopausal at the time, and thought id seriously lost the plot. I have always suffered bad PMT but this feeling i was getting was more of dread. Horrible feeling. I have read up on loads of stuff and since having to see GP re high blood pressure, again related to all this i believe. Since then I have been taking Agnus Castus pill form, you can get liquid form, and magneisium, whilst i dont think i can completely get rid of the intense feeling the day before my period, it has been minimised. i have also been drinking green tea, which now i swear by, i have been monitoring myself and i have had absolutely no anxiety at all, and i am due on tomorrow and nothing feel fine, i highly recommend this even if you dont like the taste stick with it, it is worth it, i have a dog so walk regularly i think this has helped me too. Hope this helps.
Sydneymum donna27148
It's awful when it happens, but here is what practical thinhs help me:
1) Accept hormones are causing it
2)realise it will pass
3)if you have a panic attack first do a big sigh out to breathe out and them tale a deep breath and hold your breath for the count of 4 then repeat
4) tell yourself it is only a panic attack and will not hurt or harm you.
Feel better soon
Sydney mum
susan21149 donna27148
Panic attacks are scary because I have them plus a lot of anxieties. Worring can make anxieties go up. my boyfriend tells me not to worry to much or I will throw myself into a panic attack or have anxieties.
Try not to worry that something is wrong when it isn't Pray to God he will fix things
Fudgeybear1 donna27148
sharcerv52408 Fudgeybear1
Fudgeybear1 sharcerv52408
sharcerv52408 Fudgeybear1
sharcerv52408 donna27148
sabrina1971 donna27148