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ladies im panicking so bad my sinuses was getting stuffy last night ive had a light headache all night blew my nose this morning alittle bleeding im panicking over that vitus. i do everything right mask on when i have to go to the store sanitize my hands like crazy. no fever no dry hacking cough no sore throat but im panicking so bad could this be that virus
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HopefulTrina pamela2016
This virus has all of us nervous . Your symptoms sounds like sinuses. Try a saline nasal spray and something for a headache..
Hopefully you'll feel better soon. I pray the Corona panic ends soon.
kim27003 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
It sounds more like allergies to me. I have been suffering from allergies over the last week. Headaches, stuffy nose, runny nose.
I would not be overly concerned. Just monitor how you're feeling. As long as you do not have cough, fever, shortness of breath. I would not worry too much. I know that is much easier said than done. This virus makes us all feel very uneasy at the slightest sneeze.
Sending warm and positive thoughts your way.
God Bless. Take care.
charlotte57631 pamela2016
Hey definitely sounds like sinuses..I have bad sinus problems and experience the same thing. I am sure you are ok.
thanks ladies my anxiety is in overdrive my heart rate is up I'm hot panicking i called my dr waiting for her to call me back. is there anything else going around besides allergies and that virus im so scared. and i feel like i have issues with breathing but i know thats anxiety i wasn't befire panicking.
Gigi368 pamela2016
Sounds like sinuses to me too.
Are you in the US? If so a lot of states are allowing you to get tested without a doc referral. I'm in Missouri, the hardest hit city, we opened back up Monday and now we can make an appointment at a testing site. Hospitals have the rapid test, the sites and urgent care have the 2-4 day tests.
But it sounds like your sinuses and you've given yourself an anxiety attack. I'm in the same boat right now, except I know it's not the virus, I have an anxiety and panic disorder and today is a bad one. Woke up feeling nauseous, heart trying to escape 128 bpm, short of breath, headache, blood pressure sky high 155/102, very light headed, and desert dry mouth. No idea why. I took my nerve pill and laying under a fan bc the warmer I am the worse I feel. Try grounding yourself, 5 things you can see, 5 things you can touch, 5 things you can hear and deep even breaths. Also check the allergy index in your area, that might put your mind at ease a little.
Hope you feel better soon!!
pamela2016 Gigi368
im still in panic mode cant calm down constantly worrying over this virus, im obsessed with checking my temperature dr says sinus allergies even though it was a phine appointment doesn't calm me none patients need to see their drs ugh for peace of minds. git myself focusing on my breathing praying to god not to get this virus. perimenopause and now this pandemic has just about done me in my husband is fed up with me but i cant help it. i do everything right hand washing sanitizer mask ive washed and used sanitizer so much my hands is dry. drainage in my throat and that makes me cough and clear throat but i dont have a constant cough how does one really know whats the virus and whats sinus allergies.
michelle97919 pamela2016
Hi Pamela
I just wanted to put your mind at rest.
I an 52 post menopause by nearly three years.
I have been visiting this forum for over 10 years i had a Hell perimenopause!!!
But i just wanted to say i had coronovirus
I was very poorly for near in three weeks
I had massive headaches temperature no taste or smell awful cough tight chest feeling breathless
Now i say that to say this i have extreme anxiety i thought it would ease post meno but it hasnt
I suffer a tight chest and breathlessness as part of my anxiety so needless to say the virus tipped me over the edge
Add to that i moved house two weeks before getting ill.
I think if it was the virus you would have more tell tale symptoms like temperature fatigue and all the other symptoms ive mentioned.
I am not a doctor so i would advise if you do get worse symptoms or are unsure then you should ofcourse give the doctor another call
I really feel for you with the anxiety if you read my posts over the years my story is very similar to yours.
I am still breathless but nit if you know what i mean?
I have a oxygen sensor that goes on the finger like the one they use at the doctors and my ixygen is usually 97-98% and sometimes more but i still feel like i cant get enough air so im assuming anxiety again!!
I an not coping well with lockdown as i usually work three days a week.
My husband is also fed up this has been going in for years for me with peri and meno.
If you need to talk you can inbox me x
pamela2016 michelle97919
did any of your coronavirus symptoms mimic Peri hormones? im still having the sinus thing all last night i had sweating and hot i know that Peri and my cycle is ending i just cant stop worrying i have that virus ive felt crappy oast few days headache seems better just very hot and feel ugh i dont have a cough still and no fever according to my themometer i had some dirreah this morning and dr said that can be a symptom and i felt alittle nauseous as well and i know theae can be Peri too im just do freaked out
michelle97919 pamela2016
I dont think they mimicked meno symptoms
I think if you do have it you will ride it out
The anxiety is very hard i havent found anything to help that x
Kadija1966 pamela2016
Peri symptoms, it mimicks flu like symptoms, i had this two months ago and worry myself that it was Covid19. Kept checking my temperature as i felt hot. Sweaty, nausea. Drippy and painful sinus, chest congestion, headache, dry u throat. I had all of this, my anxiety was sky high, it took 3weeks for the symptoms to end. My doctor put me on amytriptilyn as she says its all to do with perimenopause. Hope you are feeling better this week.
pamela2016 Kadija1966
thanks for replying yes too all your symptoms this week i have all those no fever hope it clears up made myself sick with worry still no cough shortness of breath or anything just sick if all this i need to go to store but im refusing to leave my house
Kadija1966 pamela2016
Hi Pamela
Yesterday I was feeling doomed too. Had to go to my local clinic after suffering another bout of panic attacks, i had weakness in my legs, feel dizzy , felt like I was about to pass out. I was short of breath, feverish, headache, chest congestion. Doctor checked my vitals and all was fine. It all lasted for a couple of hours. Then i was back to myself. Luckily, as i live alone and its scary if something happens and no one to help.