Panicking TKR +14 weeks

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Hello again .. Bee away for a while dealing with my back, a bad flu bug etc. and partly through being ill and partly through my own laziness and not exercising I have gone backwards and feel stuck and am now panicking.  

I am about 14 weeks post TKR right knee for osteoarthritis. At the beginning, other than the pain and swelling, sleep deprivation etc being very tired and miserable ... All the usual., I thought I was doing reasonably well and had got to about 115 bend, I think, at about 9 weeks. Then I began to have trouble with my back which was fused almost. Year ago now ... So the back was done Feb 2014 and the knee followed October 2014 ... A marathon and the knee and back were affecting eachother . I was in a lot of pain and got very lazy with the knee exercises ... Have now started with a personal trainer who is trained in all sorts of Pilates etc and is also a sports therapist. He has given me good treatment for the knee including some lymphatic massage and has started me on new range of exercises for the knee ... and I am beginning to trust him.

My worry is that although my energy levels are finally rising and I can do more in the house, going out etc., I feel I have lost momentum with the knee and my bend has gone backwards to about 90. I can go upstairs with difficulty but still not downstairs ... The brain and knee seem not to connect going down. So, i feel like progress has stopped ... Will it start again or have stopped moving forward bend wise and this is now as good as it gets? 

I have a treadmill at home and he says I can do that, slowly which I hope will help because I have not been able to take proper walks due to back pain. He also suggested the static bicycle ..which I have seen many people write about here.  

Main question is can I regain progress lost?


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5 Replies

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    Yes you will get there. I too have had compications because of my back. I have gone back to my osteopath and things are getting better now. I find that if I move around it is better but since Christmas while I have had colds etc I haven't made the effort and have suffered for it with stiffnes when I do move. Because I don't have stairs at home it is taking me longer than some to get the downstairs thing sorted. I think it is because I don't trust my new  knee enough. I have set myself small goals to get back to how I was before Christmas but know that it will happen. Good luck and stay positive.


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    i too have back problems and tried to use the static bike at physio but it really aggravated my back so I bought a little pedal exerciser from Amazon and I sit on a chair to use it while watching telly etc.....

    they aren't very expensive either.,

    In fact two friends of mine have bought them just for the exercise.....



  • Posted

    I know exactly how you feel. .. I am in the same position. . Sore back= don't do as much exercise = stiff and sore knee. .. its hard to get the balance isn't it? . I can recommend the peddling gadget... I had a static bike too...but it wasn't as good as the peddling machine... cost under £20 on Amazon.... good luck..
  • Posted

    Hi there, sorry about your problems ans I think at 14weeks you would be expecting to be feeling so much better. Because you have the added problem with the back its been a harder road for you. I am 6moths post op and if its any consolation I am far from being back to normal.i have many days when I don't excersise at all because of the pain it brings on later.and I do think its vitally important to give the body rest and time to heal. You are getting help and good advice and once the weather gets a little warmer you should start to move forward again. Don't beat yourself up about your bends and excersising you have to be mentally and physically able which you are not at the moment. These ops take so much from you emionally and so this affects your body's performance. I have a static bike but only use it for around 5minutes per day. I still get very stiff and have developed a lot of back and hip pain since the op, but I can walk unaided and I cured  my stair problem by buying a reconditioned stair lift. It cost me £595and it has been a god send. I don't use it much now but when I have my shaky days its there for me. Hope this post is some help to you, it's so hard for you at the moment but things will get better. I wish you well
  • Posted

    It will come again, slowly at 1st with a degree of pain. then back where yoi were. Just don't force yourself into pain levels that will st you back.Everytime I go through this I get too aaggressive at some point and have to take a step back, Get back to the basics......pain meds, even if it's just anti inflammatory OTC stuff like Aleve, excercise, ice, fluids and rest. 

    I have been in regular conversaion with a friend who had the back fusion several years ago. Somehow, through some of his activities, he broke the fusion loose and recently had to have an extensive rework with new hardware and all. He says he's recovering nicely, especially after getting the 34 stitches removed. Stay with the proram, be kind to yourself so you don't get too anxious to do it all at one time

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