paranoia set in over aweek ago ,taking elleste duet 1mg ,

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The paranioa thoughts are causing so much upset with my husband hes scared to leave the house in case of what im thinking hes doin

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Irrational thoughts are one of the many peri meno symptoms we experience at some time. If you tell yourself it is irrational and unfounded it will help. Having too much time on my hands does this to me, and especially if I wake in the middle of the night.

    Make plans for yourself for the time when your husband is out. An activity you enjoy, clean a cupboard out, pamper time. Keep busy so you don't have time to think.

    Ask your husband to tell you the time he will return and for him to stick to it. And to keep in touch by phone or text if possible.

    Hope this passes for you soon x

  • Posted

    When I started getting these thoughts,  I decided to exercise and it really helped to get rid of them.  You can also say positive affirmations to yourself,  realize it's due to menopause, and say no, this isn't true or real. This helped me a lot, and it kept me from going deeper down the rabbit hole. Hope this helps. 

  • Posted

    I think even going through this hormonal mess we should not let go of our gut instincts. While I was having crazy fits accusing someone I lived with having multiples affairs etc.,  it turned out years later he was having an affair all that time. It didn't justify MY behaviour, but it did tell me to always follow my gut even through this rollecoaster we are going through. Not all men are like this, as I do have a good one now, but if you feel it in your gut, don't brush that away and evaluate the situation during your calmer moments.

  • Posted

    I would say be happy that your crazy, obsessive thoughts are directed against your husband, not yourself! I get them in a version of: I will never sleep again, I need to kill myself. And it makes me not sleep.  Your husband is a grown up man, he is not going †hrough menopause and he can deal with , what he knows are paranoia thoughts.  So dont worry and enjoy your life!
  • Posted

    Been there, done that soooo many times! Very normal during peri. I believe the hormonal ups and downs keep your mind emotionally unstable. From my research, (and from my personal experience) I've learned that during midlife any issues/insecurities you've had from your past will resurface in order to be dealt with. That's why many women have confrontations with others about things that have hurt or angered them that they've held in for years, (especially from childhood.) Those that are confronted many times respond with shock, and asking why you want to dredge up the past. For myself, I felt the need to express how I felt and the reasons that caused me to hide my true feelings way back then. I also found that now I'm ready to stand up for myself, express my opinion, and to say no if I don't want to do something. But, like others have said, try to remember that when you have these obsessive, paranoid thoughts keep in mind that these are your emotions and hormones talking. Explain to your husband what's going on so he can also know that you just aren't yourself at times and that it will pass. I hope this helps! 

  • Posted

    Gone through the same thing in the beginningsmile eventually will go away..Do to all the physical changes, feeling old was making me have all kind of crazy thoughts...the only thing i'm having at times after 7 years is some health anxiety and worrying constantly about my childrensad 

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