Parasites- terrified!

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Hi. Ive bren diagnosed with 2 forms of parasite in my gut after nearly 4 weeks of diarrohea- D frigilis & blastocyst ( not sure of exact name). Im feeling completely shocked by this, no idea where its come from & very worried about getting rid if it. Ive just taken 5 days of Metronidizole but no effect. Any advice very welcome please!

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    It is possible if you have travelled to parts of asia, africa and south america. 

    Metronidazole will work , give it time to finish them. 

    • Posted

      Thanks Rocky lets hope so. Course finished now so will see what happens over next few days, fingers crossed! No foreign travel, complete mystery.
  • Posted

    Blastocystis hominis and Dientamoeba fragilis are everywhere.

    I am in Australia and these parasites are very common, hence it is always included in the PCR stool test. Also US, you can get it. Nothing to do with sanitary standards, it might be more there where no good standards are, but good standards do not prevent you from getting it.

    (parasite containing feces that go in water, so if you swim in some water you can get it as it always gets into your mouth, or on food, be it by contamination of grubby's easy to catch.)

    Flagyl is btw often not enough, please search internet. The medication will also make you feel ill, but is worth it if it worked.

    Good luck!

    • Posted

      hi Sanya. good to get your reply as i'm feeling pretty desperate. Reassuring to read that the little blighters are everywhere, not some rare untreatable condition. Not even bothered where they came from now, just want rid asap! Waiting to see what dr wants to try next when she phones later. i even wondered if it was the Metronidizole actually making the symptoms worse as they are side effects? Thanks any way. 

    • Posted

      When I took Metronidazole (which freed me from a nasty Giardia infection, water diarrhea, drying out, sick like hell, vomiting old blood...), I was sick immediately after taking the medication. (vomiting, again) I just hoped, enough would stay down to start working and after 2 days I did notice the difference.

      The problem with your parasites is, that Metronidazole alone might not cut is.

    • Posted

      If you google

      Sydney and enter for digestive disease with blastocystis


      badbug blastocystis

      you will find quite the treatment protocols that it might require.

    • Posted

      Sydney centre for digestive disease 


    • Posted

      and blostocystis needs to be entered in search, so that it goes straight to the correct page.

      Good luck!

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