Passing out....
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I was just sitting at my desk when all of a sudden I felt like the world was closing in on my head. I got kind of a sense of being separate from what was going on and like the world was tilting and a closed In in my head feeling. I know that probably makes no sense. Then my face got flushed and hot. NO sweating.
I used to have this problem when i had a lot of anxiety and had not had it happen for months. I was not feeling nervous or anxious. I always used to wonder what caused it....was it anxiety or something else? Now it's back.
It is NOT my heart, my blood sugar or my thyroid. I have had all those checked extensively.
Do any of you have this happen as a symptom of anxiety? Perimenopause? Please help.
1 like, 24 replies
Sochima822 DearDoe
Hi Doe, yes I remember feeling this a while back but it didn't last but a few weeks. It's a strange feellng I know. Hope it passes soon. xx
DearDoe Sochima822
Thanks. I am glad it passed for you. I had this for maybe a year or a year and a half on and off but then it was gone. Haven't had it for a couple months and was quite happy about it. Tends to make my anxiety kick in.
Rg4673 DearDoe
I get that feeling too!!! I think it's hormone related and then it makes my anxiety go nuts 😕
DearDoe Rg4673
That makes me feel better. What does it feel like to you? How long does it last and how long has it been happening? What's your age and where are you I your perimenopause journey. So sorry for so many questions.just helps to hear from others when your scared and worried.
Rg4673 DearDoe
To me it feels like I'm floating, dizzy and get a prickly feeling it is super weird . It last about 10 minutes or so. I just stop and breathe and try not to freak out. My anxiety can get the best of me for sure. I'm 43 and I would say it's been happening for a year or so. I notice it happens around that time of the month so that's why I figure it's hormone related. I thought it was just my anxiety at first cuz I started a new job after 19 yrs of being with one company so talk about stress!! My anxiety was thru the roof. But then talked to my mom and she told me could be in Peri. I haven't been diagnosed but I'm pretty sure I'm in it. Im so glad I found tus sight it is ver helpful that
Oops hit the reply button before j was done lol Im so glad I found this sight it's nice to know we are not alone!!
Woo3353 DearDoe
This is what I used to get eventually it turned into panic disorder and I had to take fluoextine.
It's mainly cortisol and your adrenals glands, it's our fight or flight hormones caused by hormone imbalance, it won't physically harm you so if you can breath through it, breath in for 4 seconds, breath out for 4 seconds - do this 3 times.
If you do feel it is getting worse or you can't handle it then see your doctor.
DearDoe Woo3353
Yes, i have an anxiety disorder and I have seen my doctor. It's just so dang scary. It's hard to beleive that either menapause or anxiety could do that. Arg.
sue58256 DearDoe
I too get the dizzy feeling and sometimes feel off balance so im glad after reading the posts I'm not alone i suffer from anxiety yet im on an even keel at the moment but also going through the menopause it is scary as I'm fifty three and you start to get a little paranoid about your health as up until about twelve months ago I have been so lucky with my health apart from the anxiety and depression but only ever been in hospital to have my babies thank you ladies
DearDoe sue58256
So you feel dizzy and off balance, but do you ever feel like your going to pass out? The dizziness is pretty scary....i think i was dizzy for about 3 or 4 years pretty much all the time. Just an off kilter, floor is tilted kind of thing. Sorry you are going through that.
ginger31734 DearDoe
Oh yes!! I've had that same feeling all too often
I too suffer from anxiety but it seemed to have been controlled for a while and then BAM this feeling hits me out of nowhere
I thought something was seriously wrong and didn't think it was anxiety , I can usually tell when my anxiety is rearing up... This happened off and on for nearly a year and fortunately it hadn't happened in quite a while. It seemed to be worse in the beginning and then less severe .... Nothing wrong per doctors except maybe hormones ... So frustrating . I'm 42 and my symptoms started at 39 or so
Anxiety combined with hormone changes are not a good combo lol
DearDoe ginger31734
Thank you. Your reassurance is helpful. I don't feel anxious, but the last 2 weeks have been more busy for me since I developed my anxiety disorder so perhaps my body is trying to tell me to slow down.
ann85482 DearDoe
DearDoe ann85482
It's a vicious circle.
Cass63 DearDoe
I was diagnosed with Afib in April. I'm wondering how much this may have to do with that .
DearDoe Cass63
I have twice worn a heart monitor for 48 hours, and once for 30 days. Founs nothing to worry about so I am guessing that isn't my issue, but I would guess it could have something to do with it for you. Your cardiologist should be able to tell you. I am so sorry we have to get through all this crap.
Sochima822 Cass63
Cass, you're describing symptoms that are associated with Afib. Have you been in contact with your doctor and told him/her of your symptoms? I think it would be prudent to do so.
Sochima822 Cass63
Cass, you're describing symptoms that are associated with Afib. Have you been in contact with your doctor and told him/her of your symptoms? I think it would be prudent to do so.
DearDoe Sochima822
Sochima822 DearDoe
Not the passing out part. I worked in cardiology, and in ob/gyn. Women in perimenopause don't pass out. But with Afib passing out is definitely a sign of Afib among other symptoms that are not indicative of perimenopause.
DearDoe Sochima822
Sochima822 DearDoe
Yes, she said passed out cold twice, that is a serious matter. I know of a lady with the same symptom is also Afib, and it's very dangerous for someone with Afib to pass out. But not only Afib, when someone passes out, it could be indicative some underlying condition. While in peri women feel dazed, confused, and hormonally challenged but if they pass out as I did once, it's indicative of some underlying condition. My sugar was 900, way above normal from eating candy all day and exercising without eating any real food.
Cass63 Sochima822