Patches made me very ill - any advice on what else to try??
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been having a awful awful time so tried patches but became very unwell.
Was given tablets but decided to not take em, as in one tablet there is a year's supply of patches! I figured it would make me incredibly unwell.
Anyone had a similar reaction to patches but went on to find something to help with flushes in particular ???
Will be VERY grateful for any advice!
Thank you
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Anonymous111 Izzie_Lizzie
If you didn't like patches - don't take oral HRT.
Have you tried evening Primrose oil?
Izzie_Lizzie Anonymous111
No, I've not tried Evening Primrose oil yet.
Think I have tried everything else!
Will look into it thank you
gailannie Izzie_Lizzie
When you say you became "very unwell" can you please explain? How long have you been menopausal and where did they start your dose? Sometimes it's about giving the body time to adjust to hormone therapy. Too high of a dose can really rock the apple cart.
And please remember that when you take oral estrogen, it runs through the liver, and much of it is destroyed. This is why a transdermal route is much less than an oral prescription.
There are plenty of things, vitamins, exercise, foods, herbs that are used for menopause. Some women think they help.
Izzie_Lizzie gailannie
I was diagnosed almost a year ago with Perimenopause.
I have severe M.E, (Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome) and Fibromyalgia so using the patches resulted in the M.E. being aggravated and was completely wiped out unable to get out of bed while feeling very unwell. It was a good while ago and I can't remember the exact symptoms.
I'm not sure now the strength of the patches. I would have to ask my Doctor.
At present I am taking every food supplement I can think of to help, Soya Isoflavones, Sage, Rosehip, Black Cohosh, Wild Yam and a multivitamin; and the flushes awful! When I started Wild Yam and Soya Isoflavones they went 90% but have come back much worse.
Would appreciate any of your thoughts!
Thank you
gailannie Izzie_Lizzie
Well, the first thought I have is that the illness from ME could have changed the effects of the patch.
I assume you are still having periods, and still perimenopausal. But you may be right, the patch just made the overlying condition worse.
Peri is often a time of great fluctuations, and it's hard to regulate your hormones at that time. I'm assuming you've seen an endocrinologist and had work ups on everything. Like if your adrenal glands are over secreting, this will not allow your estrogen to function correctly. So even adrenal hormones come into play with all of this.
The current recommendations mention that using soy takes the spaces on your receptors, without allowing your estrogen to get in there and do it's thing. So in that way, it displaces your estrogen and it's ability to work. So yes, initially the soy might have felt like it was helping. But over time, it has displaced your estrogen, and WALLA, your flushes came back with vengeance. Might be worth looking this up and seeing if omitting the soy might help over time.
Izzie_Lizzie gailannie
Not had a period since January.
I've not seen an endocrinologist! Is this typical to get a referral to see one?
My G.P. did some blood works and diagnosed P.M.
I've never heard of Soya doing that.
It is all rather complicated eh!
I have a family history of thyroid problems so have wondered if this has been added to the mix.
Not thought of the adrenal glands.
Seeing my G.P. on Thursday so have to sort it out in my head before then if I can. She has a habit of saying, "what do you want me to do?"!
Appreciate your input - thank you
gailannie Izzie_Lizzie
Yes, I think it's pretty common to get a referral to an endocrinologist. But possibly your GP would do that.
And yes, just google soy and see what is being said. That may be something to try, eliminating the soy.
Adrenal glands are incredibly important. So this also may be something to look at.
Izzie_Lizzie gailannie