Patches or tablets HRT,!
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hi all,
so im 48 and take HRT patches Estrada MX 25mcg BuT experiencing some problems while taking this ie been taking these patches for 2years very sore tender breasts that are so uncomfortable that I don’t wear a bra ( I’m only 36b) not big breasted
migraine suffer and getting more now than usual however bear in mind all these symptoms have started quite recently......
So now a local GP has put me on a lower dose HRT NOT a PATCH but tablets
im a little hesitant at taking the tablet yes I’m aware they are a lower dose but heard so many negative comments off ladies people saying Patches or Gel are better.
i wish I’d been more firmer with the go as she was very rude and felt rushed into asking any questions she only wanted to say her say and had no intention of listening to what I had to say
im sat here looking at these tablets debating as to what to do
so has anyone swopped and gone from patches to tablets
or vice versa
id like to?.
so I’m just asking what people think in regards of Patches and Tablets
thanks girls.....
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d19606 michelle08841
michelle08841 d19606
Hi there,
I’ve been on hrt patches for 2yrs and not really had any problems with the patch I’m on however with the tender sore breasts, I was referred to the breast clinic & had a mamagram.. was told it was To do with Hormones.
Since Tuesday I’ve seen a gp who perscribed me with a tablet hrt instead of patches which I’m very dubious about starting .... so just wanted feedback of ladies who have been in this position &their views on patches & tablets!!!
Good luck & yes keep me updated on your progress,
tina00239 michelle08841
d19606 michelle08841
tina00239 d19606
d19606 michelle08841