Patches or tablets HRT,!

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hi all,

so im 48 and take HRT patches Estrada MX 25mcg BuT experiencing some problems while taking this ie been taking these patches for 2years very sore tender breasts that are so uncomfortable that I don’t wear a bra ( I’m only 36b) not big breasted 

migraine suffer and getting more now than usual however bear in mind all these symptoms have started quite recently......

So now a local GP has put me on a lower dose HRT NOT a PATCH but tablets 


im a little hesitant at taking the tablet yes I’m aware they are a lower dose but heard so many negative comments off ladies people saying Patches or Gel are better.

i wish I’d been more firmer with the go as she was very rude and felt rushed into asking any questions she only wanted to say her say and had no intention of listening to what I had to say

im sat here looking at these tablets debating as to what to do

so has anyone swopped and gone from patches to tablets

or vice versa 

id like to?.

so I’m just asking what people think in regards of Patches and Tablets 

thanks girls.....

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    hi im 49 in july im iv been on patches since january and im going back to drs today as all i do is bleed on them im just gushing blood all through the month with no breaks, im wonderi g if the dr will stick me on a pill also i havnt a clue what to do. il let ypu know later if i to went on the pill.
    • Posted

      Hi there,

      I’ve been on hrt patches for 2yrs and not really had any problems with the patch I’m on however with the tender sore breasts, I was referred to the breast clinic & had a mamagram.. was told it was To do with Hormones.

      Since Tuesday I’ve seen a gp who perscribed me with a tablet hrt instead of patches which I’m very dubious about starting .... so just wanted feedback of ladies who have been in this position &their views on patches & tablets!!!

      Good luck & yes keep me updated on your progress, 

  • Posted

    Hi Michelle, I recently swapped from pills to patches and I would say get your Dr to change the patches to a different one, patches go directly into bloodstream so no upset gut, you get full benefits all the time the patch is on. I hope if and when I need a lower dose hrt that a lower concentrate patch is available. I take evorel sequin patches. Hope this helps. X
  • Posted

    iv been to see dr and shes given me an extra patch of 25 mg i think it is of estogen to put on with my other patches all the time she thinks my bleedi g is caused by still not enough estrogen i dont know im picking orescription up later il know in a week i supose. i always thought it was norethisterone that was needed in higher dose to stop bleeding i must be wrong.she said shes refering me to a gynaecologist cos i. a tricky case. 
    • Posted

      Hi there, it is norethisterone that suppresses bleeding, I was put on the pills to stop my periods as they were so refuse. I think you need to discuss the hrt with the gynae or ask to be referred to an endocrinologist to get tested properly, have it explained to you properly and the hrt dose reviewed and prescribed accordingly. X
  • Posted

    well iv pulled the stupid extra patch off already iv started with horrible headach and i feel totaly like my bodys trying to die or somthing i feel that bad i feel like im trying to stop myself from dieing just no energy at all super tierd and just bleeding.i dont know if its extra patch giving me the headach bit i sont know il try again tomorrow i just want to go bed right now. i think maybe i should just come off hrt alltogether may be shes got it wrong and i should have less of a dose not more of one. i might just have the half on see what happens i dont know im fedup.think id rather just be sweating wet through and dry than all this thing is when i first started on the stupid patches i felt loads better then after a few weeks wam it all change. i duno just feel dizzy sick tierd headachs and  want to die..

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