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Hi there all you LS "sisters" (oh, and brothers),  

Here is my final nutritional support analysis since beginning this odyssey last December. I finally feel better with all your help and google searches.  For the newbies here, please don't forget to look at your nutritional needs for rebalancing your body's ecosystem, not just for palliative measure for comfort.  A few of you all asked for the amounts I've derived from my literature searches. I've added those to the ones that are critical - and yes, I've been taking ALL of them.  I don't take all of them everyday, but use a bit of intuition and frankly, dowsing which ones how many days a week etc.  Some of them I will let run out and not reorder. Listen to your inner knowing.  Blessings on your paths. 

Nancy, age 72 Asheville, North Carolina, USA 

 PATHWAY INTO/OUT OF AUTOIMMUNE DISEASES: Nutritional & Lifestyle Implications

January - May 2018   Nancy Kimball Baumgarten, MLA

Special attention is given to skin and scalp autoimmune diseases of Lichen sclerosus (LS, a skin infection of the vulva/penis and/or perineum, no relation to STD’s); Vitiligo (skin depigmentation); Urticaria (chronic, itchy Hives); and Alopecia, plus a nod to Thyroid conditions.


(How Did We Get Here?)


Imagine a series of dominos with some crashing down

[img][/img]   [img][/img]  [img][/img]

V  V V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V  V 

(a la: which came first, the chicken or the egg? )

> STRESS produces Cortisol which is a hormone that lowers immune function and increases inflammation

> CHEMICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS such as chlorinated Water, mercury fillings, contraceptives, antibiotics, chronic stress ; synthetic pesticides, herbicides, industrial pollutants, and heavy metals (56) (60) and

> PARASITES (incl. Viruses, Bacteria & Fungus, Worms) (56) which lead to

> Impaired LYMPH-LIVER-IMMUNE SYSTEM which causes


> LACK OF ABSORPTION of NUTRIENTS that causes, among other things

> TRACE MINERAL DEFICIENCIES:  Chromium, Zinc, Vanadium, plus Magnesium (a Macro-mineral)

> and ADRENAL STRESS which causes


> and/or DIGESTIVE ISSUES such as Gluten Intolerance

> CAUSES OF LOW MAGNESIUM include: Low Magnesium Diets which include Sodas (phosphorus) processed foods, high sugar and fats; Soft Water drinking/bathing water; Calcium supplements; some prescription meds, including but not limited to birth control pills, heart failure meds etc.; Alcohol; stress; digestive disorders. (53)

> MAGNESIUM Deficiency causes

> LEAKY GUT Syndrome[/b] which, along with

> VITAMIN D Deficiency causes

> AUTOIMMUNE diseases such as

·        Lichen Sclerosus, Vitiligo, Urticaria (Hives), Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, Alopecia

·        Chrone’s Disease, Celiac Disease,  Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Colitis),

·        Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Retinopathy, Sjogren’s Syndrome,  Vasculitis, Psoriasis

Autoimmune Peripheral Neuropathies, Multiple Sclerosus, Type I Diabetes

·        Dementia and Alzheimer’s! - Plus 130 other defined/suspected autoimmune conditions.


(How Do We Get Outta Here?)


STOPPING the Cascade: 


Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark PhD, ND. found that Walnut Hull Tincture along with Cloves & Wormwood can kill all three stages of worms, etc. in the intestines, in a specific order.

2.    ENVIRONMENTAL TOXINS/ LIVER CLEANSE:[/b] change household items as much as possible: to natural cleaners, lotions, toothpaste, soaps, perfumes, deodorants, hair products, etc.  And then internal support is suggested by Dr. Josh Axe,  DNM, DC, CNS, choice of Milk Thistle (70) , Dandelion Root or Tumeric Supplements, plus Apple Cider Vinegar in Water daily, Cranberry Juice Blend and more.   

3.    PROBIOTICS & PREbiotics.  Take a small amount of a Fermented food daily for the rest of your life: such as sauerkraut, kimchi, Curtido, kefir, yogurt

4.    8 Glasses of WATER a day to carry toxins out of your body, regenerate cells, keep things lubricated and keep skin supple.

5.       EXERCISE FOR LYMPH CLEARING 30 MINUTES DAILY. suggested: floor exercises, rebounding (mini-trampoline), simply standing and bouncing by lifting heels off floor (the qigong bounce); jumping rope, or anything that gets you off the ground, including walking or  jogging.     

NOTE for the following: More important than the individual supplement amounts are the proper ratios between them. The most important sets are: 1.)  the ratio between Vitamin A and Vitamin D at about 3 to 5 times the amount of D supplemented.  2.) The level of Magnesium intake to Vitamin D at about a minimum of 600 mg. to our baseline of 5,000 IU of Vitamin D required to return D levels to good health.  Those taking considerably more D for some period of time might want to take magnesium in the form of magnesium glycinate which does not cause loose stools. 3.) The exact ratio between vitamin D and Vitamin K1 and K2 has not been determined as of 2018, though the need to have it present when supplementing with D is confirmed.  4.) If taking Omega-3's be sure to include zinc as well.           

6.    VITAMIN D3    5,000mg  Daily , used as baseline for all the rest of the protocol

7.    VITAMIN K2    see notes:    

8.    MAGNESIUM  minimum of 600 mg per 5,000 IU Vitamin D


10.  VITAMIN A        3 to 5 Times the amount of Vit D supplemented, so for a 5,000 D take Vitamin A at 15,000 IU

11.  BORON/Borax    3 mg - 6 mg 

12.  ZINC     needed in conjunction with Omega-3 

13.  MSM (methylsulfonylmethane)

14.  MELATONIN (or Glutathione)

15.  SELENIUM (as selenomethionine)  (30% of LS sufferers also have thyroid involvement, plus to avoid cancer)


17.  VITAMIN B COMPLEX (that includes natural FOLATE) AND VITAMIN B12 Spray



UNDERSTAND THE SCIENCE:  our body’s interactive Systems!

Reference Links are listed at each item for anyone who wants to know where the medical validation for each item comes from.

1.    Nearly 75% of the 24 million Americans suffering from one of the 150 autoimmune diseases are women, according to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA). People often suffer from more than one autoimmune disease which suggests there are common disease pathways.   (20) (38)


     (20) The Connection between Female Hormones and Autoimmune Disease


      (38) Auto-immune Research NetWork-ARNet



2.    Many types of cancers are autoimmune related. While only about 5% of the population is affected by one of the autoimmune conditions, a phenomenal 37% of people contract Cancer at some point in their lives. In total, over 43 percent of the population develops an immune-compromised system!  Men are 60 per cent more likely to get cancer than women and 70 per cent more likely to die from it. (71)

(71) Why are men more likely to die from cancer?



3.    Autoimmune Diseases Brew in Our Bodies FOR YEARS before Diagnosis.  If we have one autoimmune disease (AID), we are statistically at risk for subsequent autoimmune diseases.   Why?   Because it’s like we have a fire and if it’s not put out, it just gets bigger and bigger. Dr. Gerald Mullin from Johns Hopkins says statistically somebody with an autoimmune disease is at risk of a total of 7 autoimmune diseases in his or her lifetime.  (59)   

(59) Autoimmune Diseases Brew In Your Body FOR YEARS Before Diagnosis



4.    The cause of Lichen sclerosus was defined as a “mystery” on many medical websites, with the note that it “may” be associated with “overactive immune system” and “hormonal imbalances. Lichen sclerosus (LS) is strongly associated with autoimmune disorders, particularly thyroid disease, in almost 30% of LS patients. (3) (4).  However, As of March 2012 Lichen sclerosus has been confirmed to be an autoimmune disease as reported in a National Institute of Health pubmed document. (1)* see entire  NIH doc at end.

(3) Thyroid Autoimmunity and Lichen


(4) BMJ 2010;340:c731  Lichen sclerosus      (a British Medical Journal)


(1)  An Autoimmune Phenotype in Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus and Lichen Planus:  A Th1 Response in High levels of MicroRNA-155   J Invest Dermatol. 2012 Mar;132(3 Pt 1):658-66. doi: 10.1038/jid.2011.369



5.    So, to limit those statistical odds, and to reverse the risk, the following itemized notes identify proven nutritional deficiencies that can be used to correct many disease processes.


6.    Impaired liver function is associated with autoimmune diseases such as LS.  (18)  The liver functions to filter unwanted toxins from the blood coming from the digestive tract, before passing it to the rest of the body. The liver also detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. (16)   An herbal liver cleanse such as Milk Thistle; dandelion root; Camomile or Stinging Nettle, and Candida Clearing Diet will aid in healing. (18) (29)


(16) Picture of the Liver

(18) Detox Your Liver, Dr. Joel Axe

(29)Candida Diet



7.    The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help rid the body of toxins, waste and other unwanted materials. Its primary function is to transport lymph, a fluid containing infection-fighting white blood cells, throughout the body. (63)

(63) Lymphatic System: Facts, Functions & Diseases



8.    The lymphatic system plays an integral role in the immune functions of the body. It is the first line of defense against disease.  Skin problems such as dry or itchy skin are evidence that our lymph system is clogged. (17)  Lymphatic drainage exercises are easy to do and can be found at the referenced page.  (42)    


(17)  The Lymphatic System


(42) The Best Exercises for Lymphatic Drainage



9.    Other exercise suggestions include  the qigong bounce; jumping rope, Rebounding (mini-tramp) are some of the easiest ways to pump the lymph  besides jogging, walking etc.

10.  Research confirms that increased intestinal permeability, known as leaky gut syndrome, may be an essential first step toward autoimmune disease.[/b]  Dr. Jeremy E. Kaslow, MD, explains that the lining of the small intestine becomes inflamed and irritated allowing metabolic and microbial toxins normally kept within the small intestines for passage into the colon to enter the blood stream.  This results in involvement of the liver, lymphatic system, and immune response (which includes the endocrine system) to react in a protective response rather than a healing response.  Leaky Gut[/b] [/b]could be implicated as a primary contributor to asthma, food allergies, chronic sinusitis, eczema, urticaria, migraine, irritable bowel, fungal disorders, fibromyalgia, and inflammatory joint disorders including rheumatoid arthritis. It also contributes to PMS, uterine fibroid, breast fibroids, chronic fatigue syndrome and pediatric immune deficiencies.   (19) (37)



(19) Is Leaky Gut Triggering your Autoimmune Flare-ups?


(37) Leaky Gut



11.  According to the Journal of Diabetes, there is a strong body of evidence pointing to leaky gut syndrome as a major cause of autoimmune diseases,[/b] including Type 1 Diabetes. Another problem with leaky gut is that it can cause malabsorption of vital minerals and nutrients including zinc, iron and vitamin B12.  (39)


(39)  4 Steps to Heal Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Disease


12.  Our food contains over 85% less trace minerals than they did when tracking began in 1914.  It was in 1992 that it reached this stage of 85%, and nothing has been done about this since. We can only be as healthy and nourished as our food is. (66)


(66) ADD - ADHD? Nope it's A Mineral Depletion Issue!


13.  Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Autoimmune Diseases.     Dr. Gerry Schwalfenberg of the University of Alberta published the first case report of a woman with a treacherous autoimmune disorder, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or ITP, that vitamin D apparently cured.  More than 160 known autoimmune disorders exist in humans and more than 5% of the population has at least one of the disorders. They occur when your immune system malfunctions and attacks your own organs or tissues. No known cure exists. In the Journal of Public Health, 2012, Dr. Schwalfenberg reviewed an extensive number of newer medical papers and concluded that, “Evidence that autoimmune disease may be a vitamin D-sensitive disease comes from many sources.” (21) (22)


(21) Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Autoimmune Diseases


(22) Did Vitamin D cure an autoimmune disease?



14.  Vitamin D acts like a hormone and is an anti-inflammatory. (9) The vitamin D endocrine system (VDES) regulates aging in many tissues, including skin. (10) Deficiency of Vitamin D globally is at epidemic proportions. (11)  *If we have thyroid antibodies (autoimmune) in our system, our skin will not absorb the vitamin D from the sun as it does for other people… no matter where we live! (6)

(9) How vitamin D inhibits inflammation

(10) Unravelling of hidden secrets: The role of vitamin D in skin aging.  Reichrath J. Dermatoendocrinol. 2012

(11) Epidemic of Vitamin D Deficiency and Its Management: Awareness among Indian Medical Undergraduates.


(6) Bailey MD, MPH, Royce 2018, Cardiology/Integrative Medicine, personal communication, Park Ridge Health Center, Hendersonville, NC

15.  The highest levels of Vitamin D inflammatory inhibition occurs at 50 ng/ml up to 80 ng/ml Vitamin D  (12).  I.e. if your doc says your D levels are fine at 30 ng/ml, that’s too low to cure LS (or any autoimmune situation). (6) (8) Integrative and holistic physicians frequently recommend that the levels for people with autoimmune disease or thyroid disease be maintained at even higher levels, around the 75th percentile of normal. (That means, if the reference range is 20-100, the general target is 50-60, and for autoimmune and thyroid patients, 60-80 ng/dl.  (8) 


(12)  Kahn, M.D., Joel, 2013 The Holistic Heart Book, Reader’s Digest,

(8) The Link Between Vitamin D and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease



16.  Cofactors for Vitamin D include Magnesium; Omega-3; Boron; K2 plus Vitamin A; Cofactors need to be adjusted when taking a lot of vitamin D for more than a month. 

"A lot" is more than 4,000 IU Vitamin D daily (average).  There is virtually no agreement as how much of each cofactor is needed VS. Vitamin D level. The first three cofactors have, like vitamin D, greatly decreased in the human diet in the past 50 years  (13)


(13)  Cofactors for Vitamin D in a Nutshell


17.  Vitamin K2 is a more absorbable form of Vitamin K found in certain fermented foods and supplements is used by soft tissues and is helpful for bones, heart tissue and more.  Vitamin D helps absorb calcium from your intestines. K then takes that calcium and moves it to bones, BUT without the K it then looks like Vitamin D ends up in organs and arteries where you do not want it to be (33) (34) (35)


(33) Vitamin K2: 9 Uses and Benefits

(34) Which vitamins and minerals should be taken together or separately?

(35) Vitamin D Council Forum Q & A



18.  Dr. Carolyn Deen, M.D. ND explains: Low magnesium levels can compromise cell membrane integrity, damaging the vital fatty layer in the cell membrane, making it more susceptible to destruc­tion, and allowing leakage through the membrane.  This particular finding, which implicates magnesium deficiency as one of the causes of leaky cell membranes, or leaky gut,[/b] is extremely important because disruption of this type can be fatal to cells and cause widespread problems that ultimately manifest in dozens of symptoms and conditions, including aging.   Dr. Guy Abraham says that in order to protect the fluid inside the cell from becoming saturated with calcium, there is a magnesium-dependent mechanism that shunts calcium in and out of the mitochondria. But if calcium goes in and doesn’t come out, because there isn’t enough magnesium to maintain that shunt, mitochondrial calcification occurs and eventually results in cell death (49)

(49) Dr. Carolyn Deen, MD ND


19.  MAGNESIUM is a strong anti-inflammatory; Co-factor for Vitamin D; increases the efficiency of Vitamin D, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin C absorption.   Crucial for balancing female/male hormones, detoxing the liver, and ridding the body of bacterial and fungal infections.   Required for the proper metabolism of calcium, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, sodium, as well as Vitamin B1 and nitric oxide. 400 - 1,000 mg a day is recommended.  If you are using Borax/Boron this supplement is required.


(67) How Do You Cure Lichen Sclerosus Naturally? Here’s How



20.  The National Institutes Of Health pubmed article of August 2015 states that The Trace mineral BORON has been proven to be an important trace mineral because it (1) is essential for the growth and maintenance of bone; (2) greatly improves wound healing; (3) beneficially impacts the body's use of estrogen, testosterone, and vitamin D; (4) boosts magnesium absorption; (5) reduces levels of inflammatory biomarkers, such as high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and tumor necrosis factor a (TNF-a); (6) raises levels of antioxidant enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, and glutathione peroxidase.  The research suggests that adults need 3 mg a day for those who do not consume enough fruits and vegetables; and 6 mg a day for those battling cancer, arthritis and presumably other autoimmune diseases (my assumption). (24)

(24) Nothing Boring about Boron


21.  Boron/Borax is an extremely potent bacterial and fungal killer and is another Cofactor for D; anti-inflammatory. It also helps to detoxify the liver and remove heavy metals such as mercury and fluoride from the body. In addition, it balances hormones in both males and females, is an aid for obesity (which is associated with autoimmune risk); high blood pressure; the Himalayan salt has 84 Trace minerals.  (67)  Boron increases Vitamin D and Magnesium in the body by ~ 20% (13).  Borax is an inexpensive method of getting boron. It is used worldwide in many various industrial applications. It also has a long history of being used as a folk remedy, though it has not been through the rigorous FDA approval process.  Though it is probably safe for ingestion, those people who would like to get the known health benefits without worry can also obtain the same level of suggested 3 mg daily use by taking ConcenTrace Trace Mineral Drops which has 1 mg per serving and take 3X per day.   ConcenTrace also happens to have magnesium at 250 mg per serving in the formula which is a required co-factor for taking Vitamin D.


22.  OMEGA-3 ESSENTIAL FATTY ACID is another Co-factor for Vitamin D.  EPA and DHA Omega 3's - Cofactor for Vitamin D; also supports libido.   Studies have shown that omega-3 oils enhance B cell activation and select antibody production, which can lower the inflammatory response and help your immune system fight off pathogens. (62)


(62) 6 Key Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Autoimmunity


23.  ZINC. Co-Factor with Vitamin D, Boron, and Magnesium. Reduces inflammation and fights infection; skin rashes; night blindness; impaired taste/smell.  Regulates immune function and for wound healing and the breakdown of carbohydrates. (51)


51)  What Does Zinc Do for the Human Body?



24.   Vitamin A is an essential micronutrient for immunity, cellular differentiation, growth, reproduction, maintenance of epithelial surfaces, and vision. Scrimshaw et al. (1968) concluded ''no nutritional deficiency is more consistently synergistic with infectious disease than that of vitamin A'' (p. 94) (50) Vitamin A refers to another group of fat-soluble compounds which aid growth and development, reproduction, immune system function, eyesight, skin health, and gene expression. Because fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body, they can reach toxic levels. And here’s something interesting: It turns out that Vitamin A can prevent vitamin D toxicity, and vice versa. (64)


(50)  Vitamin A and Immune Function, book Military Strategies for Sustainment of Nutrition and Immune Function in the Field.

(64) Vita min D Supplements: Are Your Helping or Hurting You?



25.  The fourth most prevalent mineral in the body, MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), also known as dimethyl sulfone or DMSO2, is the oxidized form of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), an organic sulfur compound from lignan. It’s an organic sulfur-containing compound that’s used to improve immune function, lower inflammation and help restore healthy bodily tissue. MSM is also a popular joint health supplement.  (25)

(25) MSM supplement Improves Joints, Allergies and Gut Health|


26.  MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is also Useful for healing leaky gut syndrome [/b]since it can help stop particles from leaching out the gut through small junction openings, it also boosts collagen for improving and plumping skin as well as keratin, both needed for hair growth as well. (54)   MSM works like chelation therapy does, because of its molecular structure it readily bonds with most other chemicals; and thus removes heavy metals and other toxins from the body. as a chelating agent, it should be taken at least 30 minutes before or after any medication or vitamin/mineral/supplement, otherwise, it will simply absorb your medication / vitamin / mineral and you will not benefit much from the MSM or your medication / supplements (26)


(26)  MSM/Organic Sulfur May Be One of the Most Important nutrients for the Entire Body,


27.  Glutathione and its related enzymes are our most prolific antioxidants because, in addition to directly scavenging free radicals, they also reactivate other antioxidants. It also plays crucial roles in the immune response, DNA repair, and the detoxification process that neutralizes drugs, chemicals, radiation, metabolic wastes, and other toxins and carcinogens. Research suggests that the “sleep hormone” MELATONIN boosts glutathione status, by stimulating production of the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. (23)


(23) Reap the Benefits of Glutathione



28.  LS primarily affects post-menopausal women, but also men, young women and children as well. (2)  Sex hormones seem to be involved since many autoimmune diseases fluctuate with hormonal changes. The sex hormone that is commonly low in such women is DHEA. DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands, the reproductive organs and the brain. It is a natural steroid. Women frequently have low DHEA which reduces further with aging.  But why, asks the physicians at Root Cause Medical Center in California? Frequently it is from overstressed adrenal glands “stealing” it from making sex hormones to make “anti-stress hormones” instead. (20)


(20) The Connection between Female Hormones and Autoimmune Disease


29.  ADRENAL STRESS, more properly called the Hypothalmic Pituitary Adrenal (HPA) Axis Dysfunction, caused by perceived stress, inflammation,  unstable blood sugar, circadian rhythm disruption, or  from poor absorption of nutrients, or the presence of infections, are common reasons for this ‘pregnenelone-steal.’  These are all symptoms also seen with gluten intolerant patients. (20) (69)

(69) RHR: the Myth of Adrenal Fatigue[/b]/


30.  L-LYSINE is an essential amino acid that does not form naturally in your body and must be ingested through foods or supplements to supply us with the means to build protein molecules. Lysine is essential in helping the body absorb calcium and to help the body form collagen which aids in growth and maintenance of bones and connective tissue; it builds tissue and muscle. It can even help those suffering from osteoporosis. Lysine is also used to treat herpes virus outbreaks and can even help fight cancer. It helps the body produce enzymes, hormones and antibodies. (61) L-Lysine also treats female hair loss and helps the body absorb iron and zinc. (58)

(61) L-Lysine Benefits, the Gut, Brain & Herpes Outbreaks

(58) Lysine & Hair Loss in Women


31.  There is a strong association between LS and autoimmune disorders that has been reported in 21.5%–34% patients, and up to 74% of patients were found to have autoantibodies (5)


(5) Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus

32.  Most doctors who “suspect something” only order the TSH and T4 tests (6)  Dr. Royce Bailey, MD MPH, cardiologist-turned Integrative Medicine practitioner, Park Ridge Health,  says that the Thyroperoxidase (TPO) Antibodies test should be part of the standard testing. (6)  Thyroid issues are epidemic yet are often unrecognized and undiagnosed by the public or medical communities. (5) The implication is that many sufferers of an autoimmune disease may have no idea that they may also have a low thyroid condition.


(5) Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus


(6) Bailey MD, MPH, Royce 2018, Cardiology/Integrative Medicine, personal communication, Park Ridge Health Center, Hendersonville, NC



33.  Selenium (as selenomethionine).  Immune modulator with powerful anti-inflammatory properties and is vitally important to consider in all cases of autoimmune diseases and aids thyroid function; acts as an antioxidant. Selenomethionine is the form of selenium shown in research studies to reduce TPO antibodies when using the correct dose (200 mcg to 400 mcg per day). (41)    Kerry Knox, RN & Functional Medicine Practitioner reports that studies show that Selenium also has anti-cancer properties; is essential for proper functioning of the heart, is involved in muscular strength and required for healthy sperm function. (57)


(41) Selenium


(57) Facts about Selenium, Cancer, Heart, and More,



34.  Colloidal silver.[/b]  According to Dr. Robert O. Becker, M.D., the noted surgeon from Syracuse Medical University, surgical wounds treated with silver heal faster and better than those not treated with silver.  He writes: “Healing rates in wounds are significantly accelerated and are accompanied by enhanced healing of the bone, soft tissue, nerve, and skin, with replacement of missing tissues by histologically normal tissues.  The responsible agent for these cellular effects is believed to be the electrically generated silver ion."  (27)


(27) Colloidal Silver heals Troublesome Skin Conditions Fast!



35.  Colloidal Silver.  Potent anti-bacterial.[/b] Supplement with probiotics during period of use to be sure that you maintain a proper balance of microflora. Robert O. Becker, MD, says that colloidal silver stimulates healing in the skin and other soft tissues. (28)  Soft Tissues of the human body include tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, fibrous tissues, fat, and synovial membranes (which are connective tissue), and muscles, nerves and blood vessels (which are not connective tissue).  The Labia are made up of fat, and skin of course. 

(28) 8 Proven Colloidal Silver Benefits, uses & Side Effects


36.  Grapefruit Seed Extract is a super antioxidant that is 50 times stronger than Vitamin C. It gives you the benefit of red wine without the alcohol.  Fights Candida which is prevalent in LS sufferers; anti-fungal, antimicrobial. (52)


(52)  Grape Seed Extract[/b]/ 



37.  Vitamin C.  Increases Blood flow & detoxes the Liver; for collagen formation and helps to maintain the integrity of skin tissue. (68)

(68) 33 Proven Benefits of Vitamin C – What you need to know



38.  Autoimmune disorders such as Lichen Sclerosus, Chrone’s Disease, Thyroid disorders, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, inflammatory bowel disease, cause inflammation. (7)

(7) The Role of Vitamin D Deficiency in Thyroid Disorders[/b]/



39.  Current standard protocol for LS is the use of corticosteroids that reduce symptoms but not the cause(s). (8)  Long term use of steroids on delicate skin causes thinning. For postmenopausal-aged women who already experience age-related thinning skin, this is counterproductive.  Anti-inflammation diet and supplements will help correct the imbalances.  Magnesium and potassium are also strong anti-inflammatories.



(8) The Link Between Vitamin D and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease



40.  Research has shown that Castor Oil treats skin infections & lowers constipation, but more importantly it supports the immune system. Castor oil is capable of increasing white blood cells and the count of T-11 cells (a type of special white blood cells that act like antibodies) produced within the body’s lymphocytes that help kill viruses, fungi, bacteria and cancer cells.  Castor oil has been prized for its skin-healing, digestive-soothing, antibacterial properties and is commonly used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine practices. (30)

(30) Castor Oil Speeds up Healing and Improves Your Immunity




41.  There are three main dietary protocols that can address the issues identified above, depending upon individual health differences.  Each person will find one or another better suited for their own healing.  These are: Leaky Gut Diet, Anti-inflammatory Diet, and Autoimmune Diet.[/b]  (Easily found all over the internet).


42.   Exercise increases blood flow as well as LYMPH FLOW. Here are some gentle floor exercises  that encourage Lymphatic Drainage. (42)

(42) The Best Exercises for Lymphatic Drainage



43.   Improvement of VITILIGO after oral treatment with Vitamin B12 and Folic Acid Folate and the importance of sun exposure. The Department of Dermatology, University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden Study in 1997 showed the benefit and repigmenation from a 3 to 6- month course of folic acid, Vitamin B12, AND sun exposure. (43) 


(43) Improvement of Vitiligo ; Abstract:  Abstract

The aim of this 2-year study was to test the hypothesis that folic acid, vitamin B12 and sun exposure could be helpful in treating vitiligo. One hundred patients with vitiligo were treated with oral folic acid and vitamin B12 after being informed that sun exposure might enhance repigmentation. They were requested to keep a record of sun exposure in summer and UVB irradiation in winter. The minimal treatment time suggested was 3-6 months but should be longer if improvement was achieved. Clear repigmentation occurred in 52 patients, including 37 who exposed their skin to summer sun and 6 who used UVB lamps in winter. Repigmentation was most evident on sun-exposed areas, where 38% of the patients had previously noted repigmentation during summer months. Total repigmentation was seen in 6 patients. The spread of vitiligo stopped in 64% of the patients after treatment. Folic acid and vitamin B12 supplementation combined with sun exposure can induce repigmentation better than either the vitamins or sun exposure alone. Treatment should continue as long as the white areas continue to repigment. Further studies are needed to determine ideal minimal dosages of vitamins and UV exposure, as well as treatment time.




44.  In 2012, independent nutrition researcher, Chris Kressler, and the Prevention Magazine researchers reported on an increase in cancer rates from the ingestion of the synthetic folic acid over time versus the natural folate. Most multivitamins have been using folic acid, including prenatal vitamins. Cereals and breads routinely have added folic acid. Mr. Kressler warns that many articles, including those by physicians, conflate the term folic acid with folate, so to be careful in analyzing anything you read. (44)


(44) Folate versus Folic acid and Cancer[/b]/



45.   THYROID DISEASE is the most commonly reported autoimmune condition in people with Chronic Hives (Urticaria), followed by rheumatoid arthritis and type 1diabetes. A study published in September 2013 in the European Journal of Dermatology found that celiac disease is also associated with chronic hives. Jun 17, 2015(45)


(45) Urticaria



46.  In a recent study, researchers out of Poland found that vitamin D deficiency was prevalent among patients with chronic spontaneous URTICARIA. Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU) is an autoimmune disease which leads to rashes or swelling on the skin. Reported by the Vitamin D Council, Feb 6, 2014.   (46) 


(46) New research finds patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria are deficient in vitamin D.



47.   WOW! We’re back to Vitamin D worldwide deficiency in yet another autoimmune disorder. 


48.  Similar to cultured dairy products like yogurt and kefir, sauerkraut’s (or kimchi) fermentation process produces beneficial probiotics that are now linked to improvements in immune, cognitive, digestive and endocrine function. (47)



(47) Health Benefits of Sauerkraut and Probiotics


49.  External care for lichen especially includes castor oil; coconut oil, olive oil, aloe vera gel. These may be mixed with a few drops of lavender extract, frankincense (Botswellia serrate) and/or Vitamin E.  Warm bathes with baking soda and borax powder, 2 TBS each are very helpful.  Some people use corticosteroids and others find that it makes matters worse. (48) 


(48) Compilation of LS Forum members at a U.K. medical website



50.  Eliminate stress and exercise more. Stress triggers LS flares because it produces cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that lowers immune function and increases inflammation, which then increases the body's reaction to attack. Try meditation or walking for at least 30 minutes a day. (48)

(48) Compilation of LS Forum members at a U.K. medical website


51.  Eliminate as many chemicals and processed foods as possible, including a change to natural cleaners, lotions, toothpaste, soaps, perfumes, deodorants, etc.) Check that ingredients really are “natural”. (48)

52.  Stay hydrated, your body needs fluids to carry toxins out of the body, regenerate cells, keep things lubricated and keep skin supple. Not having enough water in your system slows the healing process. Google how much water you need for your body, perhaps use a health app.  (48)





(1)   Original Article

*  An Autoimmune Phenotype in Vulvar Lichen Sclerosus and Lichen Planus: A Th1 Response and High Levels of MicroRNA-155

Author links open overlay panelAnnelindeTerlou18Lindy A.M.Santegoets18Willem I.van der Meijden2ClaudiaHeijmans-Antonissen1Sigrid M.A.Swagemakers345Peter J.van der Spek3Patricia C.Ewing6Marcvan Beurden7Theo J.M.Helmerhorst1Leen J.Blok1

Vulvar lichen sclerosus and lichen planus are T-cell–mediated chronic skin disorders. Although autoimmunity has been suggested, the exact pathogenesis of these disorders is still unknown. Therefore, the aim of the current study was to investigate the molecular and immunological mechanisms critical to the pathogenesis of vulvar lichen sclerosus and lichen planus. By using gene expression profiling and real-time RT-PCR experiments, we demonstrated a significantly increased expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines (IFN?, CXCR3, CXCL9, CXCL10, CXCL11, CCR5, CCL4, and CCL5) specific for a Th1 IFN?-induced immune response. In addition, BIC/microRNA-155 (miR-155)—a microRNA involved in regulation of the immune response—was significantly upregulated in lichen sclerosus and lichen planus (9.5- and 17.7-fold change, respectively). Immunohistochemistry showed a significant T-cell response, with pronounced dermal infiltrates of CD4+, CD8+, and FOXP3+ cells.

In conclusion, these data demonstrate an autoimmune phenotype in vulvar lichen sclerosus and lichen planus, characterized by increased levels of Th1-specific cytokines, a dense T-cell infiltrate, and enhanced BIC/miR-155 expression.

4 likes, 11 replies

11 Replies

  • Posted

    Thank you very much for all the research you have done.  I wish the gynecologist I saw about 2 weeks ago was informed.  I was so upset she said I was high risk of vulvar cancer.  I thought I read the stats were 5-10% of cases could develop into cancer.
    • Posted

      Frances - why does your gynae think you are high risk, what is she basing that on? Like you, stats I have read are 5% of cases and most were after late/missed diagnosis of LS.
    • Posted

      OH Frances! I'm so sorry that you were given such worry without enough stats to put things in perspective.  You know, now that we KNOW that LS is an autoimmune disease we CAN back out of any such stats.  

      I'd like to suggest to any of the women and men here who live with inordinate fear of the big C word (cancer) to remember that stats are only relative to how any one individual  leads their life. We may not be able to eliminate that event but we CAN lower the probability tremendously once we have the info that is now known about autoimmune diet and nutrition and lifestyle etc.

      Until I see an irrefutable science article on the lifestyle of that 5% who gets cancer from LS, I say it's totally conjecture - live your life.. worry not!  it's not healthy - grin.

  • Posted

    Thank you Nancy for this and all your other research. This will take some careful reading. 


    • Posted

      You are so welcome Sarb.. I couldn't have done it without this forum of other women offering here and there. I think I've ended up so nerdy about this issue (or woman warrior I suppose) I've started wondering if I should find a magazine that might like a long article on this issue that seems at first glance to be about a small unheard-of niche disease - BUT as an autoimmune issue it ends up being appropos for So many others?

    • Posted

      Thank you Nancy , so you recommend lots of supplements and vitamins . Which ones do you take and which ones don’t you mix together . I am on high blood pressure tablets and beta blockers very low dose for snxiety xxx
    • Posted

      Hi Jane, yes for me that was my beginning "folly" over the wall against this egregious disease - give it everything i've got in my arsenal. I never think in terms of first using strong "poisons"(something that attacks against something)... but in finding the internal deficiencies and curing that first (autoimmune mans that the situation starts from within, right?) and then.. move on to more insights.  

      I looked up for you real quick anything about high blood pressure - nothing on my list is listed by the Mayo Clinic as causing  problems... 

      use the following phrase to check this out what's right for you and your physicians....  oh! but indeed some are very ehlpful for anxiety.. the magnesium and vitamin B's. So read the whole document as you have time. I think there are other natural supplements that are also listed as mood stabilizers etc.

      supplements contraindicated for those with high blood pressure

  • Posted


    I read thru all of those notes. I have a list to share:

    *Vitiligo (had skin pigmentation issues turned to vitiligo right after diagnosis of *Ankylosing Spondylitis (auto immune family) and right before *Leukemia!! Cured the leukemia and vitiligo thru horrid high dose chemo 9 years ago. 

    Suspect thyroid dysfunction 

    LS and/or atrophy (I am post menopausal)

    Severe tooth decay (I blamed chemo & meds but...)

    When I take vitamins/supplements REGULARLY (I struggle) I know there is improvement. 

    I have been taking Zyrtec and Zantac  nightly for the LS flares but now I e developed a *face rash and don’t know if it’s even related.  I saw that rashes were mentioned a lot. 

    (Should I stop taking them??) (ugh!!)

    Thank you for this comprehensive and detailed research!!! 

    So much to think about & read. 


    • Posted

      HI Pat! thanks for being such a quick reader - smiles. yup so you have/had a total of 4 autoimmune diseases so far!  and NOW you know that  one researchers statistics indicate that we are susceptible to a total of 7,you'll want to learn all about the several specialized diets that help eliminate the problems as well as building your immune system through taking the supplements that "call to you" .  I began with everything I found that could possibly help and I've also been taking some time to think back in my life to realize that I hadn't been listening to my body as well as I should have. 

      in retrospect I've known for years that I choudln't have been eating those cookies and other sugared things. I've known for years that I felt heavy in my tummy after eating breakfast with milk (I did switch to fermented kefir a couple years ago  and now find out that indeed fermented things are very helpful for fixing tummies. I've now added sauerkraut for fermented probiotics. 

      I can't speak for you or your doctors about taking Zantac etc... maybe some other women here know about using those???    my guess is that sauerkraut and apple cider vinegar would be far more helpful.  but read upon it... I am not a physician dearheart just another one of you...smiles.

  • Posted

    Oh my goodness, thank you so much. I’ve been planning to do research re LS, autoimmune, PCOS, probable leaky gut, signs of IBS .... you’ve done most of it! It’s one of those things that takes so much time to sift through and you’ve pulled it together so comprehensively. Thank you again. 

    I’ve got to the stage that I need to look after my health, but any diet I try results in unhappy stomach and digestion that I give up and go back to high carbs (thanks to PCOS cravings).

    I think supplements might be necessary to support my clean eating so I will look into that. I’ve recently discovered iherb which makes supplements SO much cheaper here in NZ (example previously husband was spending $20nz a month on vitamin d, dropped to $5 via i herb).

     My husband has chronic depression with seasonal affective exacerbation so starting him on supplements, and now will determine which of the list you’ve provided I’ll tackle. 

    It would be wonderful if we had any gurus out there who could turn all the necessary supplements into 2 or 3 supersupplements! 

    Off to print out and educate myself 😃

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