Patient seminar

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I have been offered an outpatients appointment for 22nd May for a patient information seminar.

Has anyone been to one?

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Dizzypanda,

    I went to a patient seminar prior to having my bypass, there were about

    25 people, patients and their families. It was very informative we were

    given clear explanations of the differing proceedures and the do's and

    don'ts after surgery. I felt more informed about the operation, and we

    were given plenty of opportunity to ask questions. It was also good to meet other people going through the same thing.

  • Posted

    Hi I went to one about 18months ago, no reflection on how long the waiting list is, just how long it took me to get my act together. We got to meet the bariatric nurses and one of the surgeons and the dietitan. It was a group seminar and it was really helpful. Take someone with you as its important to talk the options through with someone who knows what they are. Make sure you write down anyquestions so you can remember them to ask on the day. Good luck. x
  • Posted

    Thank you for both answers - really helps to know what to expect - can I just ask - did you have any medical tests or was it just a group talk?
  • Posted

    Hi Dizzypanda, I was approved for the bypass in April 2014, and had had all the tests done before I was approved, liver scan, ECG and bloods. The seminar was in July and it was just an education session, it was very

    Informative and well worth going to. I took my husband with me, he was worried about me having the operation however the seminar enabled him to ask questions and it helped put his mind at ease. Hope this is helpfull xx

  • Posted

    Thanks Lenora that is helpful - have you had your bypass? X
  • Posted

    Hi, yes I had my bypass November 17th last year, I've lost just over 5

    stone including pre operation diet. I'm really pleased with the results, justgoing into a size 14 dress! Can't ever remember being a size 14 before

    ha ha, I'm loving it. Xxx

  • Posted

    I am so pleased for you - I had a gastric band five years ago fitted in Brussels - I lost six stone and was feeling great until it slipped - I used all my savings to get it removed and regretted it ever since - I have put on so much weight and just feel awful. I was saving to have a gastric sleeve but after a minor op I went into anaphylactic shock so I need the operation here which is 3 times the cost - I approached my GP and was surprised that she referred me so am hoping I get the same outcome as you x
  • Posted

    I'm sorry to hear that you've had such a rough time, and hope this time

    things go well for you. Don't be so hard on yourself this just makes you

    feel worse, just take each day as it comes and start afresh the next day. I've been lucky as it was the hospital that suggested I had it done so I

    didn't have to ask. I was told my hospital trust don't do the band anymoredue to the problems people have been having, so you are not on your

    own. Take care of you xx

  • Posted

    I am sorry you had a rough time. Here also my trust only do the sleeve or bypass. But they prefer the bypass. I did get weighed and had some measurements taken to see if I might possibly be suffering from sleep apneoa. Which I do and I had to have that under control before surgery. But no bloods or anything. The reason they weighed us is to work out the 10% they want you to lose before you go see the consultant for your surgery appointment and so you can prove you can actually lose weight I guess. Hope that helps a bit x
    • Posted

      Thanks for the information - I think I am worried there would be some sort of refusal before getting to the consultant - I can lose the weight but I keep putting it on again and I think years of years of dieting has messed me up! The gastric band was great and I felt fantastic but as soon as it was gone I lapsed so I know I need a permanent solution to my weight problem. Fingers crossed x

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