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I had a DVT last October after a knee op and was taking warfarin until mud March. On Tuesday (May) this week after being admitted to A&E I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. They say there are multiple clots but all are small. I'm now on rivaroxoaban. I still have chest and shoulder pain. Has anyone ever had warfarin and then subsequently been put on rivaroxaban are there any side effects you have had. Plus I feel absolutely shattered is that normal? Thanks

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16 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi MOrt

    I think its is! Since I am on rivaroxaban too!

    It takes out After few weeks dont worry i am now

    2 mos' and 3 weeks With that. But still watch about tummy pain and blood in urine or poo! That maybe cause internal Bleeding! Go to doctor see ur doctor!

    • Posted

      What the Heck!

      I am sorry about my english go and see ur doctor if u felt and see that! But what u feel now is normal back pain, legs,chest and Hard of breathIng it is really normal just Wait a few weeks but if u dont feel really good there go and see ur doctor 😘

    • Posted

      Many thanks, I also have to say I'm scared

    • Posted

      Me too mort!

      But please don't worry to much!

      Its normal to feel that Since ur scared..

      If u feel that way try to go out.

      Go some Walk.. but if u feel dizzy and Feeling tired go get some Rest and relax!

      You'l be ok! I will get my MIR This june 29 i hope bloodclots gOne and never Comeback again doctor say will be on Xarelto 3 to 6 months.

  • Posted

    Hi, sorry your DVT resulted in PEs, could have been really nasty. You are likely to feel exhausted and worried about what has happened and what might happen. Your surgery was probably the cause of the DVT and so even though likelihood of further DVTs is raised you should be fine on blood thinners. Make sure they have checked for any underlying causes for DVT by blood tests. Did you get any DVT prevention info post surgery, post discharge? and were you sent home with blood thinners? My son had a massive DVT and had Post Thrombotic syndrome afterwards which was upsetting and debilitating. His was post op too and could have been avoided. You may want to look at the Thrombosis Uk website which is helpful and they have a facebook page too. many people post on there and share experiences. I would complain to your hospital about your DVT and ask them to investigate. Good luck. Sheila.
    • Posted

      Thanks for you're reply. I made a complaint to the hospital as the only thing I was told to do was move my foot I had no anticoagulant or compression stockings. They just said I did not conform to someone at risk. Hope your son is on road to recovery. I now wish I had never had Op.

    • Posted

      Hi Mort. Thanks son doing ok but has had to have treatment including stenting, operations, blood thinners for over a year and wear compression stocking. If you haven't complained in writing via PALS to the Trust, it is worth doing as this was avoidable and needs to show them that they need to be more careful in their assessment. The very least they should have done was alert you to the signs of DVT/PE and written info on avoidance. The statistics of the number of people who die from hospital aquired DVTs is scary, you are a survivor! The other things I mentioned above are worth doing and you can get some counselling via the GP to help with your recovery. Cheers, Sheila.

  • Posted

    Hi Mort,

    Sorry to hear about that. Give yourself a little time to recover, as you will be tired (both from the PEs and the rivaroxaban).

    I have experience of both riveroxaban and warfarin, but in reverse order - I was originally on riveroxaban, but didn't get on with it and was switched to warfarin. Both do the anticoagulation ok, just more side effects (for me) on rivaroxaban. It certainly made me tired..

    HTH Peter


    • Posted

      Thanks Pete, I will just have to see and hope no bad reactions to the drug occur. I was signed off work by the hospital for a week I think I will go to docs and get another note although by job is not strenuous not sure im up to it at the moment. Cheers
    • Posted

      I have had dvt ten years ago, then after an op,had pe s nultiple,bilateral a couple,of years ago.  Riveroxaban started but no good, then changedntomwarfarin.  Since then i am very tired and have become depressed.  Do you think warfarin is doing this.  I am otherwise recovered from pe
    • Posted

      Ann, I was on it for 5 months and had mo real side effects, it the whole thing that is getting me down, hope you will be ok. I am a great believer in CBT see if it helps
    • Posted

      Hi Ann, 

      From my experience, the riveroxaban made me tired. The warfarin doesn’t - or at least, not to a great degree.    I really didn't get on with the riveroxaban, which I am told is unusual.

      I guess the recovery would make you tired, as the body has damage to repair.

      ?Mort, I took a fair while to get back on my feet, I wouldn't think an extra week is unreasonable.

      all the best


  • Posted


    I've been on rivaroxaban for 3 months I still get muscle ache and tight chest. I felt really tired and drained when taking rivaroxaban but my body has got used to it now. All the best

    • Posted

      Thanks for this James. I will just have to hope I take to the drug ok. I know it sounds dramatic but these chest pains, which appear to come and go, scare me a bit. Good luck with your continued treatment. Cheers
    • Posted


      I'm in the same boat as you I had chest pains don't get them as much. If the pain comes and goes I wouldn't worry so much only if it's constant that's what I was told by the doctors. You got to have faith in them. Keep taking the meditation exercise regularly eat well. Any new symptoms talk to your doctors chest pain was a new symptom and it sent me strait to hospital. You will get better just can take longer then you think. All the best

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