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Good Morning Everyone,

I am 3 1/2 weeks out of Ltkr and had my staples taken out last week! I was wondering what I should put on the knee around the scar because it is so dry and peeling? Any suggestions? Thank You!

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi jarme

    I use Bio oil,recommended by the physio.

    But the chemist will also be able to recommend , maybe baby oil ?


  • Posted

    Jarme, I had knee replacement in September 2017 and the said if I was concerned about the scar being open to just place a sterile pad over the incision area and wrap it with an ace badage (loosely)
  • Posted

    Unless the scar is completely closed the doctors will tell you not to put ANYTHING on it because any type of oil or anything can cause it to get infected.  (Also you are not to take a bath or swim with it open)  Once the scar is completely closed you can put anything on it.   I am putting Bio oil and Vitamin E oil on mine.  
    • Posted

      Same here . Yes forgot to say wound has to be closed .i was showering 2 days after opp, with a waterproof dressing
  • Posted

    All, yes I 100% agree. The nurse checked my bandage and verified that I had no blood or discharge on the previous bandage. Then stated that I could leave it open. The liquid vitamin E helped keep the area moist. I massaged it it in to assist breaking up the scar tissue.
  • Posted

    I use Aveeno baby emollient cream on mine, just because I have it in the house for putting on my granddaughter's eczema. I thought if it is safe enough for that it should be safe on my skin (the scar is clean and dry)

  • Posted

    I use Aveeno and bio oil. Suggest delay the bio oil until scar is completely closed but Aveeno is fine. I massage twice a day with my thumb in a circular motion directly over the scar.
  • Posted

    Use nothing without the permission of your surgeon. Playing Dr with a leaking wound can be a direct line to a serious infection, the last thing you want at this stage. All these things are just part of healing

    • Posted

      Thank you for the reply! I have little pieces of tape across the scar now! I see the nurse in two weeks so I will ask her then ! You are definitely right!
  • Posted

    I put vitamin E oil. Worked really good my scar looks great, can hardly see it. I got it at Walmart.
  • Posted

     I too used bio oil twice a day once it was healed, I left it a few days after the staples were taken out, just in case. I'm 6 mths PO, but now I use Vaseline just because it's thicker. Not sure how long I'll keep using it for, but sometimes it can feel a bit tight & itchy even though it looks fine.

  • Posted

    I’ve used Aveeno lotion ( can get on prescription or over counter ) it is very good and also bought BioOil seems pricey but a little goes a long way - skin in better nick than ever before lol! 

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