Pelvic/lower stomach ache ongoing
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Hi just wondering if anyone else has experienced low stomach ache like a period is due but it’s only just finished? Have had loads of other aches and pains and this is the latest - had a pelvic scan and smear test within the last 6months and all that showed up was a golf ball sized fibroid on back wall of uterus. Also bowel movements have increased to twice daily from once every two days (sorry if tmi lol) - again nothing abnormal about them but unusual for me! Don’t know whether to make yet another doctors appt or whether this is a perimenopause thing?
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jc__16362 lucy53348
Hi Lucy
Yes, mine started February time - came to the end of my period and started getting period pains. Also have the bowel problems - used to be once in the morning and now two or three times. Which is no big deal but I get bowel cramping through the day. I'm noting down when it happens and it seems to be on the approach to my period starting. Last month it stopped on the day of my period and started again this Monday.
I'm soon to have a colonoscopy, gastroscopy and pelvic scan just to make sure it's not something more sinister. I really believe it's a perimeno thing but the male doctors I see don't even consider it.
CarolKelso lucy53348
Edell7329 lucy53348
MsHui lucy53348
lucy53348 MsHui
Hi, thanks for replying. I would be interested to know what product your cousin bought please. It does seemed to have settled a bit now that I'm in the second half of the month but no doubt it will return!
MsHui lucy53348