Pelvic pain in 15 year old female - Please help! X
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So I'm a 15 year old girl that is a healthy weight. A week ago, as I was falling asleep I began feeling strong pain through out my lower abdomen. It felt similar to period pain but during this time my period was 2 weeks away. When I woke up, it had gone. Two days later I felt the pain again as I woke up but once again it went away and I forgot about it until the the next afternoon where I got it once more. The next day, the pain was less severe, and the next it was also less severe, being sudden, but only lasting 5-20 seconds before going away, the pain feeling somewhat dull. A few days on, I still have it but it's so dull I sometimes fail to notice it. However, it most often occurs to the left, just below my bellybutton, though I MAY feel it elsewhere (low central abdomen, by the cervix etc). I have no problem urinating or going to the toilet and eating is completely normal.
I don't know if this is related, but a few weeks ago I also began to feel constant but MILD (may I stress the mild) breathlessness, a feeling that comes and goes for a few days. I also felt similar pain around the chest area.
Am I going crazy-is this all normal?
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pippa58442 sarah81160
sarah81160 pippa58442
pippa58442 sarah81160
I don't know because there are lot of reasons for abdominal pain. Abdominal ultrasounds can check your kidneys, liver, bladder, gallbladder and spleen. A pelvic ultrasound can check for ovarian cysts or fibroids in the womb. Only a doctor can establish whether or not you have anything seroius.
sarah81160 pippa58442
Thanks. I'm a bt worried about telling my mum because (I know his is stupid) I don't want to know if I have something like cancer.
pippa58442 sarah81160
lilian05079 sarah81160
It may have been that you were ovulating..ovulation occurs approx 2 weeks before a period is due...wait for your period to start and when it has finished see if the pain returns two weeks later..when you will be ovulating again....but if the pain persists through the month before your next period go see your doc and suggest an ultrasound as a second opinion if he/she suggests nothing to worry wishes.....
Tracypo sarah81160
sarah81160 Tracypo