Pelvic ultrasound unusual - should I be worried?
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I have had two failed attempts at biopsy of endometrium, one by pipelle(??) and the other by hysteroscopy with local anaesthetic. I am having hysteroscopy done with a GA now at the end of the month. Inbetween all of this, I have had an ultrasound scan of my womb and pelvic area.
The results have come back as follows: a thickened endometrium of 5mm, normal cut off would be less than 4mm. A previously noted fibroid within the uterus wall has increased in size. I have been booked in to have an MRI scan of the pelvis to look at the fibroid in much more detail.
Are these results cause for concern?
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becky221 marie86421
marie86421 becky221
I have had a fibroid since my late 30's. When I went into menopause it shrank, but for some reason it has got big again. I have read that fibroids are non cancerous, so that is quite reassuring.
This whole episode started with some abnormal spotting after not having had a period for 6 years. Since then, (about 4 weeks ago) I have been having aches and pains as if I am going to have a period but never do. The aches and pains are low back ache, pelvic pain and that awful drawing achy feeling in your thighs. This was how I used to feel just before my period and then when my period started all the aches and pains went away. I am wondering whether I am going to be in a constant state of feeling like I am going to have a period.
I am not sure what the gynae is going to do to get into my womb, the first attempt at hysteroscopy failed because my cervix would not dilate. I guess they might have to cut me to get inside or they are going to have to be a bit rougher with the metal rods to get in. Think I might be a bit sore afterwards.
I am just hoping that everything will be OK and the biopsy will be normal.
donna48864 marie86421
A pipelle is just the device they use to take a sample of ur womb. If ur awake for the procedure you feel no more than a stinging pinch. I had one last March, thankfully all ok. I have a bulky uterus, endometriosis and adenomyosis but otherwise ok. I think the pipelle is plastic if I remember correctly xx
becky221 donna48864
marie86421 donna48864
The pipelle was the first attempt and you are right, I did not feel anything. The consultant could not get access and then hysteroscopy with a local was tried. This failed too as the consultant could not open my cervix with the metal rods. It seems that because I have had no children and the fact that I have been in menopause for 6 years, it makes it difficult to get inside the womb.
It has not been explained to me yet how access inside my womb will be attempted. Guess I shall find out in two weeks.
donna48864 marie86421
marie86421 donna48864
louise25018 marie86421
It's all such a worry I know.
I had my scan last Friday and a week later they have called just to say to make a "non urgent appointment" with my doctor. This is now on 25th. As they said it was non urgent I'm hoping all is ok but after reading your post maybe I have some thickening or something like you.?
Trying not to worry as I have heard that they call u very swiftly if they have concerns.
I'm thinking of you hunni and keep me posted. Big hugs xxxx
marie86421 louise25018
That's what I am trying to tell myself, that they would have indicated to me if they thought that something was wrong.
I had the MRI scan today, they don't hurt so that was ok but I did have to have 20mg of Buscopan injected into my vein to relax the bowel so that they could get better pictures of my womb and the offending fibroid. I shall have to wait and see what consultant says when I see him in two weeks for my hysteroscopy by GA.
I have my pre-op assessment next Wednesday and on Tuesday I am at haematology having my regular venesection treatment for haemochromatosis.
Think I should have my own parking space at the hospital as I always seem to be there, lol.
I hope your appointment with the doctor goes well on the 25th.
Big hugs to you and likewise let me know how you get on.