penis glans spots slight redness what is it

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I found these spots six days ago. aout 25-30 of them. they appeared without warning. there was no tingling or itching or soreness before they showed up. They are only on the head of my penis I have not had any itching burning or tingling the entire time they have been there. no fever no pain or irritation urinating.. they do not feel raised if they are i cant tell by touching them. they have not spread any further since I noticed them and have not diminished either. I have had one sexual partner for 18 years.i have no symptoms and they have remained the same for six days no liquid or popping no pain tingling or itching.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I'm not sure that is, but I'd see a doctor if I were you.  You could either see your GP, or if you're in the UK, you could go to a genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic - google "GUM clinic near me" for details.

    If you could update this thread and tell us what the doctors say, it would be appreciated.  Good luck.

  • Posted

    I've had something similar. It was Lichen Planus. Harmless and comes for a few months then goes for a couple of years. I also had it on the inside of my forearms and inside my mouth. No treatment required, but can be alarming - my dentist referred me for cancer checks. Biopsy confirmed Lichen Planus.

    • Posted

      Tx for the comment.. Of all the things it could be i guess that wouldnt be so bad.I just did a little research on it and some of the pictures ie seen do look like this.What did you do for yours did you use a steroid creme.Did they just dissappear? 
    • Posted

      Also like I said in the smmary there is no itching or irritation whatsoeer was that the case with you?
    • Posted

      Some itching developed on the forearms, where my skin is drier, but not really on the glans or inside of cheek. I didn't use any specific creams or other  treatment - GP didn't offer anything. I use moisturiser on my foreskin anyway. The spots went flatter (hence the name 'planus'wink and disappeared with time. Over several weeks, even months. No recurrence this time for two years or so.

    • Posted

      one more question please.. after reading more it seems they typically form rings mine are mostly spaced out and seperated no ring formation.Did yours have a ring shape/pattern or no?not sure this is what i have or not. tx
  • Posted

    imagei have had this ring like pattern on my skin for 2 years now . have seen doctors they just said its nothing as i have been checked for all STDS. but im still worried. they arent raised or anything just a little discolored . no pain or itching.

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