Penis injury
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So a few days ago I woke up with a penis injury, it causes a lot of pain when erect to the point we're it would be impossible to masturbate/have sex. My whole penis also seems to be "harder". Even in a flaccid state it hurts if i cough, or press on the swollen area with my fingers.
There is swelling/a lump at the very base on the top side of my shaft almost right at the pubic bone which only occured after the injury. the artery leading from the lump also seems to be thicker.
I believe the injury may have been sustained masturbating but don't recall any time of significant pain/injury, but I noticed the pain a day after an aggresive day of masturbating. Other than this there has been times during sex in the past month where I've felt as if my penis bent the wrong way but the pain was momentary and was never an issue even seconds afterward, so my only thinking is that this could be a built up injury from a few little nicks that have occured over the past couple of months. Other than that, I could've possibly become aroused during the night and rolled on to my front.
The good (but also bad) news is that it hasn't caused any erectile issues so I assume it can't be to serious, so now after not being able to use my penis for 4 days and being aged 19, I have the sex drive of a cat on heat and am having to consciously avoid getting aroused.
I've had an icepack resting on the injury but haven't done anything else. I'd prefer not see a doctor, is this urgent, what is it likely to be? What kind of timeframe till I can use the thing?
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ml66uk james71546
Could be a lymphocele. If you've been unable to masturbate or have sex for days though, then you need to see a doctor. Period. As I often point out here, women have to lie on their backs with their legs in the air on a regular basis, while a stranger looks inside them with a speculum and flashlight, so we men have it easy. There are way too many men who won't see a doctor till they absolutely have to, and it's something we need to change.
You could either see your GP, or if you're in the UK, you could go to a genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinic - google "GUM clinic near me" for details.
If you could update this thread and tell us what the doctors say, it would be appreciated. Good luck.
Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor.
james71546 ml66uk
Thank you
james71546 ml66uk
I've seen a doctor and had an ultrasound. It turns out there is a blood clot in one of the arteries in my penis. I'm not going to see a specialist to find out what has to be done. Will keep you updated.
jorock james71546
I would also encourage you to go see a Doctor. While we all seem to have a heightened sense of embarrasement or awkwardness when it comes to our Penis, at the end of the day it's just a Penis. There are a lot of them out there and the Doctor has likely seen every size, shape, and type there is. Your Doctor will also not be surprised to hear that you masturbate, so be honest with him and tell him the truth. There's at least a 99% chance that he does too. Don't take any chances, it's the only Penis you have. Please call a Doctor...and report back what he finds, A lot of guys need to hear that they'er not the only one with these concerns. It helps.
I've seen a doctor and had an ultrasound. It turns out there is a blood clot in one of the arteries in my penis. I'm not going to see a specialist to find out what has to be done. Will keep you updated.