Penis is too rough and I am so upset about it? Please help
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Hey guys
I hope all is well.
26 and recently I've been getting very upset about the fact I was circumcised without my permission as a baby. whistles made of very uncomfortable during mastrubation on sex and I really wonder if there's anything I can do about it.
Also do you think my size is acceptable as you can see from the pictures attached. They were taken sitting down flacci.
Thanks very much for any help you can give.
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Pepasan Guest
I have a lot of sympathy for you. I think it's a human right to be left intact and am grateful daily that I wasn't circumcised. Unfortunately various attempts in the UK to raise enough signature on petitions to get it debated in parliament have not yet succeeded. (Search circumcision petition to learn more). However it may be closer to succeeding in Denmark.
Your size looks perfectly normal to me. Any potential partner that doesn't appreciate you as you are isn't worth your time.
I believe it is important to use lube or something like coconut oil for masturbation if you are without a foreskin.
Guest Guest
I agree with you regarding circumcision, I don't know if there is anything you can do.
Ah size! The size of a flacid penis is almost entirely irrelevent. If you can urinate, a flacid penis is doing all it needs to do.
As for penis erect size, that's a whole other debate. If it's acceptable to you, and to any partner, then it doesn't really matter what I or anyone else might think. however, some thoughts.
The association of penis size to sexual satisfaction for women is a *lazy* asssociation. The one thing women most express disatisfaction for in a partner is staying power and lack of foreplay. You can't really change your size, but you can change (to a degree) how long you last for and how much you commit to foreplay. A man with a 7 inch penis who last 45 seconds is obviously not going to as "acceptable" as a man with the average 5.5 inch penis who spends 20 minutes in foreplay etc.
The whole size discussion is all a bit pointless. Whatever you have, that's what you're stuck with. Fixating on the size of your penis is completely taking your attention away from the things that (most women, most of the time) actually want from a sexual encounter. It helps, actually, to completely rethink the way we think of "sex". Sex should be thought of anything that two people do as part of a shared intimacy. We men tend to get so obsessed with the size of our penis becuase we're stuck in the mentality of thinking of sex as "penis in vagina" and we therefore put all this pressure on ourselves to have above average penises that will do the "job" all on its own like some sort of magic wand. In reality, whatever the size, many women will a struggle to truly enjoy the encounter if it isn't more... holistic anyway. It's not unusual for women to disclose that penetration is far from being the most enjoyable aspect of sex, .
The average erect penis is considered to be 5-6 inches, I believe. Some men are larger, some are smaller. Flacid wise, you look totally average / normal. .
kenneth1955 Guest
Will my friend. You look normal and I think when you erect you would be able to do the job. I am sorry that you feel that you were circumcision for no reason. It all depend where you are and what religion you are. I am catholic and I know my father was and so were my brother and I were when we were born I have never had a problem with it and my 2 sons are the same. I have one grandson that is and one that is not. My daughter got on that band wagon Now they are having a problem with him pull the foreskin back to get him to clean himself He is 5 years old. He had one yeast infection. My son-in-law has to do it and he is not into it He is circumcision. I told him you guys were the one's that decide not to do it. I just hope he has no problem when he get older. I hate to see him go through a circumcision as a adult. I had a friend when I was working he was in his early 30's. During rough sex he tore his fore skin. They could not fix it. He had to be circumcision and he told me that he wished he would have done it years ago. Time goes on. To each his own Ken
Pepasan kenneth1955
Most uncircumcised boys don't have a loose foreskin to pull back. At and after birth for up to 6 or more years the foreskin remains adhered to and part of the glans. There seems to be a strange ignorance (particularly in the US) that leaving well alone is unhygienic. Unless the foreskin is fully separated from the glans, the glans doesn't need cleaning. Pulling a small boy's foreskin back before it is naturally detached is a mistake and will cause unnecessary pain and probably will cause the very problems with foreskins that parents fear.
kenneth1955 Pepasan
Guest Guest
Circumcision is brutal. Only on strict medical grounds (rare) should it be performed. .
The whole cleanliness thing makes no sense. It's no more difficult to wash behind your foreskin than it is to wash anywhere else. And the same argument could be used for cutting off the clitoral hood in baby girls which trap the same bacteria as the foreskin. Society, rightly, would see that as a bs pretext: we aren't circumsizing girls when soap products are available. There's is no evidence that countries that practise circumcision have men with healthier genitals than countries that don't.
Tang3 Guest
Hello, I am a urologist in the western parts of the United states. Your flaccid size is completely normal and actually what I would consider on the bigger side of the spectrum(through my opinion)
I was circumcised as an infant and had always known there was something unnatural about it. When I started to hit puberty I started having very serious issues with it- I lost a testicle at 16 due to infections caused by meatal stenosis and urethral strictures. This also caused me to become sterile. As an adult I still dont trust my parents and have great distress when I am around it so it's important thay you get mental help when you feel appropriate. You can choose to "restore" your foreskin and essentially have a foreskin and regain the natural look and sensitivity to the penis, but this may take years to accomplish.
Also, I have never circumcised a child and never plan on doing it to anyone because there has always been an alternate route that seems to work. Good look!
Wee_Dugie Guest
Hi Adame, I agree with all the replies and suggestions you have had so far. I will not address the circumcision issue as I would merely repeat what has already been stated by others. The suggestion from Tang3 that you consider foreskin restoration is a good one ...
I personally had and intact foreskin which I have had to work at throughout my adult life so that it looks and perform in a more natural manner. I was 17 / 18 YOA when I had Phimosis and I was over 55 YOA when my foreskin and erect penis looked and performed naturally - this I achieved by stretching my foreskin during the decades in-between teenage years and being aged over 50. So, my recommendation would be that if you interested in trying to restore your foreskin YOU start that process now, as, it may take you many years to achieve the look, feel and functionality you feel you have missing now.
One of the suggestions you have is to use Coconut oil, this may help you achieve a healthier skin that you are happier with, and help you achieve increasing pleasure during masturbation and sex with a partner. Simply, learn to be what I cal 'Skin Friendly' to your penis - try the coconut oil, if this does not work for you, keep trying different things until you find one that is just right. Natural based oils and lubes are better for penile skin rather than ones that are petroleum oil based, such as most skin ointments, gels and creams.
The other suggestion I would make you may not normally agree with - but what I would say is to try it for a while and it may help you achieve a more pleasurable looking genital region. What I am getting at is there is quite a bit of undergrowth you have on your penis and in your genital region. NO, I am not suggesting you shave it all off - you can start with a 'tidy up' on the shaft of you penis, initially use scissors to carefully remove the hair, then you can shave the remainder. Shorten the hair at the base of your penis. Then, if you are pleased with how things are starting to look down there you can experiment by removing more.
The whole point of this suggestion is that you have questioned whether your size is acceptable - once you clear away the undergrowth of hair on the penile shaft and at the base of your penis you are likely to see that there is a whole lot more to your penis you you thought you had. If you are not really happy about trying this - try it as an experiment, see what happens - try clearing away as much of the hair as you dare perhaps, or just that amount that you are happy to remove. If you are not happy with what you have achieved, simply let it all grow again. If you happened to shave it all off it would only take about 3 months to grow back so that you would not notice the difference. Three months as an experiment, out of your entire lifetime is nothing really.
So, try the coconut oil, research about foreskin restoration, start by giving yourself a 'tidy up trim' down there - you may be really surprised ........