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does anybody know if dark brown spotting is due to peri my period is not due for 8 days on Sunday the spotting started bits of blood now it’s gone dark brown 🙁

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    i don't know as I never had that. I suppose it could be due to peri as we are all different.neutral

  • Posted

    Spotting is so common on Peri it’s unreal.  I read about this all the time which is reassuring because I’ve spotted for 6 months.  I’m having tests to take away anything horrid.

    Keep your eye on it but try not to worry.

  • Posted

    Spotting can be normal, but I suggest you go to your gyn to get checked out.  It never hurts to be careful. xx
  • Posted

    For the past 4 months, my periods have not been red, just dark brown spotting and or clots. It comes in time or a few days early. I was a bit concerned at first as its kinda gross, but after reading up online I think it's just down to perimenopause and hopefully the start of the end of my periods. I read that dark blood is a sign of old blood in the uterus, due to the uterus not contracting fully during a period. So I took that to mean my uterus is getting tired and soon I won't have periods when it gives up completely.

    • Posted

      Hi angel, clotting is normal in meno I had a few my dr said all normal..I remember a time I went to the toilet and I heard bloop not sure what that was scary I wonder if that was a clot or small fibroid came out..I didn't look Lol

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      We all need them to stop and meno is in control after that too
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      Can't wait! Dealing with super heavy periods in the past 6 months, not sure how much more I can take. Horrid stuff

  • Posted

    Hi deb, yes they can turn brown pinkish colour to bright red to dark red in colour they get erratic spotting, to bleeding over your timing heavy to light crazy periods.
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    Yes, certainly. sometimes I get very bright just blood. But mainly brown like you say.
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    That was one of my first symptoms, and when the health anxiety all began!!
  • Posted

    I’ll sometimes start spotting that same way, it starts right mid cycle and always coincides with very painful breasts/nipples. Pretty sure it’s because progesterone is too low and you have all that unopposed estrogen. I’ll spot right up to my period. This month I started spotting a week before but after a day it turned into a full blown period from hell. So I go from missing two months, to spotting mid cycle, to early or late, to light or heavy. It’s just insane. I think I’ve ruined every pair of underwear I own. So annoying!!

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