Peri & Aching
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I started experiencing peri symptoms in April 16 after going through a highly stressful time in my last job. Irregular bleeding with only 9 days between, had a uterine biopsy taken which was all OK. Eventually I had to take prozac because of anxiety and panic attacks becoming uncontrollable. I haven't had a period for 2 weeks but I have had really bad aches in my lower back and thighs, before all this started I used to go to fitness classes 3 to 4 times a week, now I can't even go for a walk without the onset of aches. I also get some slight cramping in my uterus
I also get what I describe as 'merry go round' feelings when I wake in the morning which I think are adrenalin surges. I take evening primrose , B6, Magnesium, zinc, agnus castrated & Flax seed oil
I haven't experienced hot flashes but I do sometimes get feelings of hot waves for a few seconds.
Does anyone else get these aches in limbs?
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unico31026 Woo3353
I am up now because my hands and legs are aching now due to peri and insomnia. My PCP Dr. Put me on 1200mg. Of vitamin D about two weeks ago and it has eased my aches and pain some so I'm guessing the longer I take it the less pain.
maria45873 Woo3353
Hi Woo, yes I get pain too in mine even under the skin been going through the Peri crap for 8 years got worse from time time
Ain't no panic but deal with it each day as it comes.
Woo3353 maria45873
It's so frustrating because one day feel ok then 'bam' aching again. As I am peri I don't know when my next period is as I am so iregular so this could be PMT but who knows. I can't take anymore supplements or change my diet or i'll get vitamin overload. I am waiting for some bioidentical hormone cream too come - so desperate try anything
carolrd Woo3353
"I also get some slight cramping in my uterus" is this felt up in the vagina if so I get that and the stingy pains off and on there in vaginal area.
maria45873 carolrd
Hi Caroird
I get the discomfort in vagina sometimes slightly hurting nothing major on off seems like some people get it
All hormones madness nothing it don't miss
Woo3353 maria45873
I feel like an alien has taken over my body I sure hope at 49 years I don't have this for many years
carolrd maria45873
Maria, you got that right. See I never got those pains and ach there before not even off and on untill this last break through bleeding and all those female test I went through I'm like a virgin again (8-9 years ) and all those twisted and probing and biospy and this unexpected peiord on June 2 is when it all started!