Peri and Burning throat, tongue and face
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I can't find anyone who is having the same or similar burning throat, tongue and face symptom as me. I have a lot of other symptoms as i have shared before but would like to focus on just these right now.
I have noticed the burning increases just before and through a cycle when it comes and as it ends. The burning throat is like having a really bad throat infection that never gets better but has flare ups, but there is No actual bacteria etc...... The tongue is burning mouth syndrome which feels like i have stuck my tongue in Boiling water. My face feels like its bursting with heat that wont go away, unlike the flashes that rise and fall, and a prickling under the chin.... my neck feels tight...... i'm having palpitations through my neck but no anxiety really......
I just want to cry because its all just too much, years and years of it . And i cant cry because i will get another migraine..... If i didn't have grandchildren I'm sorry to say but i wouldn't be here. I know that's a defeatist attitude, but right now i don't care.
Is there anyone else out there suffering with this incredibly full on symptom?
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pamela2016 shylee
i have the burning face as you describe its like ive stuck my face in a boiler and cant escape it last hours on end when it hits, my throat and mouth stay very dry but no burning my eyes is dry as well.
shylee pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
Thank you for your reply. I'm sorry mine so late. I get inundated with reply messages and unfortunately i miss some. I'm so sorry that you too feel the horrible burning sensation. Do you get any treatment for yours? does your Dr know why it is happening to you? The burning mouth, throat and tongue is from burning mouth syndrome for me and i take carbamazepine for it. It works to a point but i cant take a higher dose because it interferes with the HRT and my body cant cope with a higher dose of HRT to accommodate a higher dose of the carbamazepine. so i'm a bit stuck. mine doesn't come and go though it is always there its just the intensity that changes. The burning is not just a high heat it is a stinging burn. I'ts really terrible and distressing.
Dryness seems to be common, perhaps use eye drop lubricant and for the throat also and i have heard make sure you drink plenty water. I do hope you find some relief soon. Hugs
susan39015 shylee
HI Shylee yes but i have always had tongue issues. Geographic tongue, Dry mouth bad taste. I am 48 and it is so much worse exactly like you said like i burned it on something or it feels like if i had rubbed a nail file on it for hours. With that i also have a horrific bad sour nasty taste with it like that taste after you get sick. Tight neck and shoulders that feels like it causes everything from the neck down to shut diwn. Like you i try not to cry anymore because my head and face pressure will get worse and then i swallow all that mucus crap which makes my mouth and stimach issued worse. I so wish i could give you some advice but i have no idea. Also bad horrific nightmares and very vivid dreams every night. If I didnt have two children i think i wouldnt be here. Hugs and prayers to you and everyone with all of tgese symptoms and hopes for better days ❤ hang in there if you find something that helps please let me know
shylee susan39015
Hi Susan,
I'm so sorry to hear you are going through such an awful time of it. It really is terrible. It is so hard not being able to cry. Like you if i didn't have grandkids i don't think i would be here. which is shocking in this day and age. I am 49 and I just cant believe what we are going through... no-one ever prepared us for this, what they say about peri and meno is nothing like this... Dr's need to be more educated.
I Hope you find some relief. Hang in there. You're not alone.
Sassyr12a shylee
Hi shylee
I have had the burning throat, tongue, face over the years but not too often and I dont think it's anywhere as bad as yours. I put my throat down to stomach acid which can be really bad during meno, and silent acid reflux. More than anything, it was really scary and on top of 1000 other things I can completely understand where you're coming from. I dont think your statement is defeatist, I think it reflects how many are feeling and is honest. All I'll say is, you are strong, and brave and despite everything you are positive and looking for answers, and at the same time helping others to feel less isolated and alone. I hope you get some relief but hang in there ❤️ xx
shylee Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy
Thank you so much for you're reply. I really appreciate it. I'm sorry to hear that you too suffer. I do hope that you to find relief soon.
Thank you for you're positive support, it was really nice to hear and not something i hear often during all this. Hang in there too my friend xx I'd put pictures on here for you but i don't know how to do that 😃
sharon03238 shylee
Hi I had the burning tongue last year, i now have burning throat and face sometimes, i think mine has a lot to do with my reflux as i have a red throat, i feel like simething stuck in my throat and my neck feels sore and tight x