Peri anxiety DR said NOPE don't believe it NOPE
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I went it the walk in clinic the other day walked out shocked and dazed confused, had to see the walk in clinic Dr not my own dr of 32 years ,
telling him how I was feeling and get some low dose antivan to carry me over until I see my family Dr ,
he goes sure but why ...long story short he said nope no way does he believe that there is none nothing to do with prei don't buy in ot it, can't be said it would be anxiety from some where down the line some one in your fmaily gean pool had anxiety but it would be like a blanket over it for them but when it came down the line the blanket got thinner and thinner causing the effects .
that I should forget that go see a specialist in the field fix it for once and for all , to get checked out ,why live with this when IT cna be fixed and done with for good, .. I said many things but was like wahttttt I can feel it when I close to my peroid and after feel the drops and rise in hormones henwas like yes it tigers it more then its not the root of the problem , prei as nothing to do with anxiety wow then I was thinking after I left ,wow so many millions of people go to shrinks and thye are still borthered by anxiety for years why Didnt thye fix it, so so many some effects by it now in prei I left there shocked but let down felt omg I am crazy after all had it shake that two sec feeling and laugh at it but wow ,what's your feelings on that?
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sharcerv52408 barb_2222
barb_2222 sharcerv52408
two close friends going though this same time one dizzy headaches bad sleep confused even feel off the bus stepping down .
the other friend surgery meno only thing she gets is bad sleep most nights ,
wow lucky me!!!
Didnt take the antivan yet........
HotDot7 barb_2222
val50972 barb_2222
shaznay96184 barb_2222
I would mention my concerns to my regular GP - that bloke sounds very ill-qualified to deal with female patients with his odd take on 'us'
Take it you're not in the UK? I'd shop around if I was paying for my healthcare. Alas, like everything, you'll have good and bad in every profession. Just so happens that when we need a good, well-read GP, they don't seem to exist!
Good Luck - I'd make a new appointment with your old, famliar Doc.
mel64317 barb_2222
good luck.
Uzume barb_2222
Many women experience anxiety in peri and I experienced something I can only describe as a mild psychosis!! I'm absolutely fine now but at the time, I thought I was losing my mind! I would urge you to seek a second opinion and agree with a previous poster who suggested a female GP. Best of luck and it does get better :-)
HotDot7 Uzume
barb_2222 HotDot7
HotDot7 barb_2222