Peri Anxiety...stuck emotionally.

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Hi all, I'm on my 3rd go with a different med Lexapro. I'm on it now 1 month and 3 days. Still early. I have had more energy and it's the first med to start to calm my anxiety but, my concentration and focus is still off. I guess they say it takes btw 6-8 weeks to really feel the full effects. I just increased my dosage too so, guess it takes another 2 weeks for the side effects of that to wear off. My anxiety is still kicking my butt over a year now since peri hit. I can go grocery shopping but, I'm anxious just doing that. It's soooooo ridiculous and I've been pushing myself to do that for several months and it stays the same. I feel like my emotions are stuck and even with new experiences with people I see. I feel like I have memory loss. It's like I can't find my way home. I feel like a stranger stepping outside. It feels like I've lost my whole train of thought of who I am. Anyone on a meds and know how gradual this process is with improvement? Did your energy come back first and then your focus improved. I'm sure that is the case for most that have come out the other side of this. I'm just looking for encouragement because I've been in my house for so long. Some days I feel I will never get back to normal. Thanks for listening. I'm trying not to talk about it anymore and bother my family with it. xo

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4 Replies

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    hi love i can assure you your not alone. i havent left my house for months. i feel like i dont know this planet im on. if i do make it to the shops i just rush around grab what i need & all i wonna do is reach home where i can feel like s**t in peace.

    totally understand you. x

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      I'm just overwhelmed with this. I'm so over it. Thanks so much for your caring reply. You said it - reach home where you can feel like s- in peace. You are dead on with that!!!! Sending hugs xo

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    Hi N~

    I started on Celexa about 5 years ago, after feeling exactly like you describe above.

    I was so burnt out just trying to keep my emotional self together, that I couldn't feel anything. I had been trying to just "power through" the depressing grief of losing my former self, and the anger that I couldn't explain it to anyone, that I just didn't feel... anything. And it scared me.

    I did start to at least feel a thaw in the numbness after about 4 weeks. Which is also a little scary at first... I had a lot of backlogged junk to process through. I don't know if that's where the brain fog came from, or if it was the medicine, but yeah, my brain was completely fogged up... actually felt my brain was disconnected from my body, if that makes any sense. Like I could see my actions and hear my words, but it was like I was seeing/hearing them from a distance.

    That got a little better each day, and I am glad I just did the best I could each day. It was hard, and I did have to work at taking care of my needs first... insisting on a little time to myself every day; eating predictably; walking regularly; me controlling my schedule instead of trying to cram in as many activities as possible because others "expected" it.

    It sounds like you are moving in the right direction. it's going to keep getting a little better most days. (Life still happens, so there will be a setback here or there... and that's ok, because each setback hopefully will remind you that you've already made progress up to that point).

    Keeping you in my thoughts.


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    Thanks very much for your caring reply Sarah. What you said "actually felt my brain was disconnected from my body, if that makes any sense". "Like I could see my actions and hear my words, but it was like I was seeing/hearing them from a distance." Yes, that is how I've felt through this and it gets better over time but, hasn't yet gone away completely. Is that a common symptom of peri due to anxiety? It's so scary. I sound crazy trying to describe it. My husbands like "Oh, time for work, see ya later honey." I 'm struggling with the dose increase that makes you tired. I'm a little shaky too and that I've never been. I've never been on meds until this and I didn't want to but, I had to. No choice, I was a mess from this. My doctors nurse asked me to power through it. She said it will get better. I'm still just over again, 4 weeks so, I need to let it run it's course. I'm just getting antsy being in this state. Got a year wasted on 2 meds that didn't work but, I'm thankful this one is starting to help. I just needed some encouragement these past few days. I was feeling very down and my mood changed due to the dosage increase. That's why I reached out on here. I appreciate your support so much. xo

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