Peri + arm pain/ache
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I've had symptoms for just over 2 years now. And up until this month it's been the typical, hot flashes, night sweats, migraines, low libido... but recently I've started to seriously ache in my arms. Sometimes it's from my shoulders down to my fingers, other times it's my lower arm versus my upper arm and vice versa. The ache is like bone deep. Very uncomfortable. Anyone else or am I losing my mind?
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shannonmairs7 Sears4
Me too!! Was so scary at first, now I just roll with it. I cannot believe the crazy symptoms this super fun ride comes with!! 😳
may69987 shannonmairs7
Does anyone has this think , as soon I walk into a cold place or turn The air conditioner on little high I get like hot flashes in my legs hands all over the body I can’t be in cold place if I have to go shopening in stores I have to wear pants and socks I can’t take it ,is this perimsnipouse symptoms too it is driving me crazy , before I use to take any cold temperature now I can’t 😤😤
may69987 Sears4
Hi your not alone I’m 41 and lately I have pain in my bones mostly in my legs lower legs and my knees beside the hot flashes the cold hand and feet ,anxiety and much more ,every day I wake up hoping the symptoms are gone ,my sister had same think but one day she woke up the symptoms were all gone , now she 45 she start getting them but very mild ,so I praying and hope that happens to me too I m sick of all this ,🙏
Guest Sears4
kelle34850 Sears4
I am 41 and have EXACTLY as you describe!! I woke up with it hurting 9 months ago. It's starting to get a little better.....I hope. I am afraid it will come back. It's very weird. It's in my dominant arm so I don't know if it's frozen shoulder or not.
mrs_susan74280 Sears4
AJacynM Sears4
I'm 46 now and started with exactly this in my early 40's... my shoulders, elbows and wrists were horrific. Then my legs started joining in too! 😖
I finally started HRT last year (as I had other symptoms too) and although it didn't help everything, it did alleviate most of the pain.. I don't feel amazing on it like some and still ache now and again but to be mostly pain free is a big bonus.
Hope you get some relief soon.
AJ. x
sideways67 Sears4
I feel better at 51 than 41 when I started having constant aches. I stopped the meds the rheumatologist Rx’d and went to a neurologist as I suspected gluten and other food allergies and my migraines and aches are not daily like before. Levaquin and Cipro caused severe aching every time I took it. Never again unless deathly ill. Numerous lawsuits online.
I had the shoulder. elbow, wrist, pain but physical therapy with dry needling helped. Mine is originating from neck disk degeneration and muscle, tendon knotting. Fatigue and depression are my main issues. Severe food allergies was causing malabsorption that was causing nerves to misfire, also. One thing leads to another. I just kept researching and putting out the fires until I had a new lifestyle. My old ways no longer worked. I only wish I had changed sooner . Good luck. 🍀
debra16694 sideways67
Hi Sideways - Your statement “severe food allergies was causing malabsorption that was causing nerves to misfire” caught my attention. Exactly what symptoms were you experiencing with your nerves? I am struggling trying to figure out why I experience this burning sensation in my back, chest, neck, calves & top of my feet. I also have tingling in my hands & my anxiety can be off the charts, so obviously my nervous system is compromised. I have often wondered if my “gut” health was contributing to these symptoms. If you would be so kind to explain your findings I would be so appreciative. Thank you!
sideways67 debra16694
When your malabsorbef, your gut is not taking nutrients to the correct place. I was deficient in B12, D3, and B1. B vitamins help our nerves to function correctly and when they are not, we experience increased pain. Prescription meds rob our bodies of proper nutrition, also. My main culprit was gluten that had done its damage through my 49 years. I remember having severe cramps when I was young that was just labeled as mysterious female pain. I had not started my period at 13 but was still having awful cramps that I know now was IBS. I knew for 10 years I had a gluten sensitivity but family just said, it’s in your head. I had blood work done and bingo there it was in black and white. It was very tough to detox from the foods making me so ill but my blood sugar spikes are not as severe that caused severe mood changes, daily migraines, knee pain, shoulder pain and daily back pain. I still have mild back pain some days but not debilitating. I couldn’t even use my arm on some days. It was startling and like I was shutting down. I’ve slways been physical and worked hard physical labor like my mom. It became very clear my body had to many invaders to deal with and my body said enough. After my gall bladder was taken out, my digestive issues increased. I regret that one I should’ve tried herbs and more natural solutions first and researched it more. I had to stop fried foods or surely eat. Yes, I have a gastroenterologist but the side effects of the meds are too much for my system. Colon cancer is a genetic issue for us and we all have digestive issues on my moms side. I was just done with it and started researching for answers. My youngest has lost 50 lbs as she was diagnosed allergic to gluten, dairy, eggs and a host of other foods. My damage is much more extensive and reactive than hers. Schedule an appointment with ann allergiest and a neurologist. The good testing thru my allergist were mostly paid for by my insurance. The testing through my neurologist was $700. It changed my life for the better so I’d do it again. We are both on allergy shots but I can’t tell that the shots are helping yet. Neither of us caught the flu this time and had no flu shot. We both usually have several sinus infections and respiratory infections a year. When I get to the gym I feel much better also. Hubby had double knee replacement last year while my daughter had her fourth knee surgery, so it knocked me off my routine and I feel into a slump. I started my diet change by eating salads with boiled chicken as I was fatigued from detoxing and it was simple solutions for learning the no gluten. Aloe vero pills, l-glutamine powder, DGL licorice, zinc carosine, probiotics, and iodine seem to really help digestive system heal. All of this info was learned with countless hours in the last 10 years of extensive research. Selfhacked is full of info and Amazon reviews offer tons of personal experiences. Let me know if you more questions. Knowledge is power. I’m was just done with each medical appointment resulting in another Rx!! 🦋
debra16694 sideways67
Wow Sideways Thank you! It sounds like you have been on some health journey - interesting that you bring up the allergy thing - since going thru menopause, my asthma has really kicked in. I was first diagnosed with allergy induced asthma about 20 years ago after flooding we had and I am very allergic to mold - there are days when I feel like I can’t catch my breath, but it is different from the wheezy feeling of asthma, it feels more nerve related. Coupled with the burning/tingling areas in my body & the anxiety, I know it’s nerve related. Interesting how this could all be gut related. I am scheduled to go see a nutritionist in a few days, because on top of all this, I look at food & I grow a live handle! If I don’t get any answers there, I will look into seeing a neurologist - thank you for your very detailed explanation - wishing you good health -
sideways67 debra16694
mauiblue sideways67
Hi Sideways
yes much of what you share i agree with and have researched to adnauseam myself. I havent tried as hard as you with the diet though, and i know that alkaline is best as to prevent the inflammation which is the culprit of so many of our ailments..and does not help meno in the slightest...american crap diet...
but you mention neck issues and dperession..yep im with you on this. i remember going through so many years (and now still ) of neck pain shoulder pain, all of these issues that stem from my cervical spine- bsone spurring, disc thinning etc.and then i rolled right into menopause at 52 with depression on top of it all.
I frankly didnt think my life could get worse with the chronic headaches and neck/shoulder/arm pain but it did. and it laughed in my face! "were not over this rodeo just yet honey"...and now its meno hell.
I do not take anything and i think that is also why i suffer, i tried bio identicals (still try them for the heck of it) tried antidepressants- (crazy icky icky drugs) i wished they helped because i would have stuck with them, and then theres hope
i always have hope no matter what..thats what there is..never give up.!
Thank you ladies... I was seriously thinking I was going a little crazy. I hate knowing others are in pain, but it sure makes me feel better that I'm NOT crazy and I'm not alone!