Peri Depression

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Hi, Ladies:

So, I've been feeling like I have brain fog but, I actually feel like now it's depression causing the brain fog. I thought it was anxiety but, I think the reason I can't focus and concentrate is due to depression. I'm not motivated at all and that's not me. I'm just wondering how long it took for anyone's depression to break through this Peri nonsense. Are you having focus and concentration problems that you believe depression is causing? I'm pushing forward each day and trying to lean in to everything. Go with the flow. I'm literally just home waiting for this to break each day. Just frustrated today and with the holidays coming up it's just making it more depressing!!!!! I think I'm close to skipping my 2nd ever cycle too so, maybe that's why I'm emotional today. Thanks all. You have helped me through a lot up until now. I know it will pass in the back of my mind but again, just had to vent. Really exhausted from this. I know you all are to. ❤️

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    I hear you! I can't seem to focus and concentrate here lately.. Brain fog is here -- I had looked at something and thought about it all day and still had a problem with it-- very odd as all I had to do was put a pork roast in crock pot for dinner-- this was last week. Holidays really get me down and it just seems like too much stress for me.. all the expectations and your supposed to be 'happy'. I too am taking it day by day-- taking it as it comes-- making sure I take all my important supplements (I'm low in iron) and hoping that this period will soon pass.. Keep being good to yourself as that's very important!!! Yesterday I did get a pedicure and splurged on the 'no chip'' manicure--- I figured I needed something 'pretty' to look at. Take Care!!

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Kelly. I still have some dizziness so, I started taking iron too to see if that helps. I did start going to get my nails done a few months back. That was progress just getting out of the house and actually stepping foot in the nail shop. I was still with blurred vision and all but I knew I could just sit and relax for an hour or so. It does make you feel good. That was a little nerve racking though at first. I was shaking bad the 2nd time I went in and the girl doing my nails was like "Are you ok?" That gave me more anxiety! I've settled down a bit since then though. Just a bad day today with this dragging on. I know your dragging on with me. Take Care too!!

    • Posted

      Yes.. sometimes I get 'Are you ok' when getting hair done which isn't often... But like you were saying it's a time to just sit and relax..

  • Posted

    I could have written what you have written. ZERO motivation for anything. Sometime I push myself but no it still doesn't work. I lost zest in life. I am a graphic designer. I used to love my job but now it is a drug... I started a design of a book album for the family for Xmas but I just can not get on with it. Lovely photos to look at, lovely memories to put together and enjoy as I design it. But no something is seriously not right... AWFUL. I want to wake up one day and all is over and I am enjoying life again...W A I T I N G !!!!!!

    • Posted

      I totally lost my creativity through this. I am an applique quilt pattern designer, and business was great, but three years ago had to shut it down.

      I still haven't got it back. used to take me 10 days to have a quilt made, designed, pattern written, and delivered. now it takes me a year and I still cant figure out how to write the pattern, ugh! it is painful!!

    • Posted

      It's like you literally don't care. It's so horrible. I'm a very caring person. I enjoy life. This just rips it all from you. My family understands and are very supportive but, people I think sometimes really don't get why your like paralyzed to do anything. Then the guilt sets in because your not doing anything!!!! Ugghh WAITING TOO!!!! You have to get your book album finished. Your family will love it. Do a page a day. xo

  • Posted

    Vitamin D and a SAD light really helps me. otherwise I would be a basket case right now.

    I also started taking a vitamin called Progressive for Women CHEWABLES.

    chewable vitamins are so much better at absorption than the regular.

    If you take a spoon of peanut butter, or an egg, (protein) with your vitamins it helps with absorption as well.

    Support your body during these times. It isn't easy to get through, but you will reach the other side.

    sending hugs and well wishes

    • Posted

      I take extra Vit D at night.. I agree it's an important supplement.

  • Posted

    Thanks for your caring reply. I forgot all about a Sad Light. Forgot they even existed. I may need to ask for one those for x-mas. I don't need anything but, I could use one of them! I take a lot of supplements right now. I started a high potency probiotic just recently and that seems to be helping a lot along, with a DIM supplement, and Holy Basil really helps for stress along with Lemon Balm Leaf for anxiety. That's the short list ha and I'm not one to really have taken supplements before this. You have to do what you have to do though. I will be happy when they are not needed as much. I just started forcing myself to exercise every other day. I just hate feeling this way. I don't understand why more is not available for help by now in 2019!! Take Care! I hope you feel better too!

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