Peri Facial Flushing or Contact Dermatitis?

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Hello Ladies!

At 53 I finally missed my first period last month!

However, I have been having facial flushing and mouth burning for the past week. It seemed to come on suddenly. Dr. Google has me dying of multiple diseases. (Thanks, health anxiety!)

The flushing is WAY worse after I wash my face. But it can flare after a bowel movement. So of course I think I am dying of a GI ailment. Anyone else dealing with this? Any suggestions? I'm pretty desperate.

Thanks to all of you who have kept me sane for the last 4 years! Love you all!

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4 Replies

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    Hi Maddy....yep, yep, yep - You probably have Rosacea - Many woman develop Rosacea during Menopause. (google it) i actually got ocular rosacea as well - Not only would my face flare but my eyes would get irritated and bloodshot & my vision felt off - Basically, after a dermatologist diagnosed you, they give you a topical & a low dose antibiotic to keep the inflammation down. There are triggers too like spicy food, caffeine, alcohol, heat, emotions, chocolate etc. Its so much fun! After being at this menopause game for more years than i care to admit - i now wonder if the onset of hot flashes doesnt just change your whole vascular system & hence the onset of rosacea - i never got the little pimples that come with rosacea, but did get some broken blood vessels in my face - when i am not lighting up like a christmas tree my face looks regular, so i think this is all interconnected to our vascular system changing - just my 2 cents - get it checked out & pay attention to what foods/emotions might trigger it for you -

    • Posted

      Hi Debra....I did just google this. Amazing! I had no idea. And you are right--food and stress can be an exacerbating factor. Thank you so much! My health anxiety had me dying from a multiple tumor ailment in the GI tract.

      With my missed period I have had hot flashes for the first time. I have also been eating grains a lot the past few months when I should not. (I have a GI ailment so I should be very strictly paleo.) So the flashes could have started a cascade through the vascular system.

      I absolutely think you are on to something about the stress on the vascular system during peri.

      Does the rosacea feel worse after washing your face? I put some petroleum jelly on and it feels a little better.

      How can this get so bad? I'm a little depressed at no longer being able to help my body.

      I can see my derm this coming week. He's pretty good.

      Thanks so much!

    • Posted

      hi Maddy - Yes, chemicals in soaps & body washes can irritate it as well - make sure you ask your derm for a facial wash that wont irritate - Also, if you get facials, you have to make the facialist aware of your condition - i swear, menopause is the gift that keeps on giving - good luck!

    • Posted

      hi maddy - i also wanted to say that in addition to hormones triggering rosacea outbreaks SIBO can also affect it. So really cleaning up your diet (no sugar) & taking probiotics really help keep it at bay - when i eat a lot of sugar (Valentines Day) i totally notice a rosacea trigger & increase in joint pain - also, if you get put on antibiotics to calm your rosacea, antibiotics are tough on your gut, so important to eat gut friendly foods and take a probiotic -

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