Peri facts
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Hi ladies
I find the more I focus on my symptoms the worse I get. I've stopped focusing on every single symptom I have I've stopped wallowing in self pity and this has made a huge difference in my life so I thought I would just share it to see if this motto will help others as it can't be healthy with the constant moaning and talking about peri or meno every day it will only impact is if we allow it to
6 likes, 22 replies
pamela2016 nicola060
Oh God how is that possible I can't help not focusing on the dizziness cause it just doesn't stop everyday it's tiring
sue28162 pamela2016
ruby17255 nicola060
I am trying to do the same. I find this site useful for facts and reassurance. I am newly diagnosed ,despite having had it for a while and I am trying to move on from the feelings attached to the initial stage of diagnosis. This won’t last forever ( am sure!) and I don’t want to give it any more power than it already has as I’ve been gruesome with it! Good luck with everything! X
JAS06 nicola060
Guest nicola060
CarolKelso nicola060
lori93950 nicola060
If it’s just a few hot flashes and irritability then definitely can handle that and ignore it but when your whole life stops and is affected by this ..... not so easy to overcome
lisa68384 nicola060
This works for me on my better days. But on my bad days it takes all I can do to just get thru. When the anxiety, depression, off balance feeling, and spaced out feeling sink in then it's so hard not to focus on they whack up my perception to life in general. By pure principle, lots of grin and bear it, and a heavy dose of heaven's help I am able to get thru the bad days. This stuff is crazy hard!
lori93950 lisa68384
Yes having one of those days today 😩 not that my other days are great but it’s a tough one today. Lovely sunny afternoon and all I can think about is let the hours roll by so that I can go to bed ... no way to live ! I’ve missed most of Spring and ALL of the summer !
lisa68384 lori93950
So sorry Lori. I'm telling you what I need to hear on my bad days and that will have another good day! So far our track record for surviving the bad days is 100%. But man alive are the bad days hard. Hugs to you!!
audra86673 nicola060
Hi Nicola.
Im curious what symptoms you've had? I'm doing pretty good most days now, but a year ago I was debilitated with anxiety, fatigue, globes sensation and fear among other symptoms. There was no way just holding onto a motto of not 'wallowing in self pity' would have made a difference at that time. Also, when this first started happening to me, I was not wallowing in anything! I was seriously thinking something was wrong with me and I was very ill and needed some medical diagnosis to save me from whatever it was that had me feeling so bad. I'm so grateful for this forum. It has helped me in so many ways. It's great to come here for support and chat with other women who are in the same situation. And sometimes - wallowing in self pity! Nothing wrong with the occasional break down and feeling sorry for yourself. This peri/ meno stuff sucks hards and while I think being positive is a great thing and something I practice... it is much much easier when you're not feeling like total crap! Everyone on this board will get to the point of feeling better and be better able to handle things. Until then, thinking about it everyday and moaning about it and feeling self pity at times is part of it. Bad peri/ meno symptoms are not affecting us because we allow them to or because we are thinking about them too much everyday... they impact us because our bodies are in a state of shift. I wish I had been able to control my symptoms last year just by brushing them aside and not giving them notice. That would have been a physical and mental impossibility at that time. As soon as I started feeling better, I was able to think in a more positive way. I hope your symptoms have not been as brutal as many of the women on this board. It's a tough time for sure!
lori93950 audra86673
I too have been this way for 5 months fatigue like I’ve never known it ! Depression like I’ve never experienced !
I’m no pity party person either but when this is with you 24/7 you cannot help it . We are crying out for help but there is no help !
I’ve tried patches make me depressed the cream hasn’t done anything so now I’m stuck with a fatigue that literally engulfs you ... it’s like even after 10 hours sleep you’ve been up for days. All I can say is God help us all this is a travesty !
Finny2018 audra86673
Audra -I was reading what you went through last year and can place a check next to all of your symptoms and the one I didn't have a name for; globus sensation! I had all of that...anxiety, fear, depression, about 10 symptoms on the list non-stop AND that weird feeing in my throat - woke up in June after a heavy period and my hormones crashed.
This forum was the greatest gift to me. I thank the Lord for leading me here to a place of wisdom, comfort and encouragement. It's a place to share our experiences and concerns when so many around us don't understand.
audra86673 Finny2018
The globus sensation was terrifying for me! I had my husband look up how to do a tracheotomy in case I started suffocating! I had no idea what it was that was causing the feeling and the dr just brushed it off like it wasn't a big deal! I had 2 nasolaryngoscopies and was begging for an endoscopy trying to figure out what was causing it! An ENT told me it was caused by silent reflux and gave me mega doses of PPI and H2 blockers. Well, since I didn't actually have reflux issues the meds made me so sick and really jacked up my stomach for a couple months. I went to a gastro Dr after I started the reflux meds and he was like... get off those things! You don't need them! I still get the globus feeling- some days are worse than others but I've learned to live with it since I know I'm not going to suffocate from it! I hope yours is either gone or not too bad. It's a rough symptom to deal with!
audra86673 lori93950
Yes, the fatigue is so hard! I recall when I was younger and was tired, I'd just battle down and plow through it. Easy enough! With this peri fatigue there is no fighting through it! It's crazy how completely drained and heavy feeling it can make you! I know it will leave and we'll be back to normal. There are so many older ladies bopping around all chipper and energetic! One day we will look back and recall how tired we were and be ever thankful that phase of our lives is over!! Maybe this is the universes way of helping me accept getting older? I'm actually looking forward to being that old, grey haired, spiffy grandmother! 😉
lori93950 audra86673
I don’t see any light right now as been living this nightmare 7 months and it’s not getting any better .... I just want to give up . I’m in hell mainly with fatigue ... the patch makes me depressed but keeps me awake . Now I’m in bed at 7.30pm hopefully better day tomorrow