Peri help! Old & new symptoms! Weird head, body etc x

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Hi I've posted before I've had a whole host of symptoms but wanted to ask questions get advice on newer ones.

My main symptom I've always had is the weird head i can't really describe it like its numb or not really there. I get headaches every day and almost burns inside my scalp tingles and just generally feel weird like a lot of pressure and eye floaters and my ears ring and my head generally feels dizzy like if you've had a large glass of wine.

My body has started to feel weird too now like my arms, hands legs they feel tingly like the feeling you get if you lay in bed too long not like pins and needles again hard to describe this gets worse at night and very occasionally as im drifting off to sleep gets worse and I get sleep paralysis. This makes my anxiety bad also.

I also have developed redness and dry skin at the sides of my nose and my chin which I can't get to clear up.

Some days I'm so tired not like I've run a marathon but weak like I can't even lift an arm I do get up an about but it's exhausting like a wide awake zombie. I also feel dizzy but not like I've spun in circles like swimmy feeling.

If I drink alcohol the next day it's 1000 X worse all the symptoms horrendous weird head.

My periods come Every 32 to 26 days and last 3 days is this normal ?

This all started a year and a half ago I have good weeks and bad. This is a bad one I'm on my period at the moment and feel horrendous I've been Drs allot I'm young with a family history of early menopause but the Drs say to young but no one can tell me what's wrong and this isn't how a 'normal' person feels !

Is anyone else experiencing any of the above and anything to help looking to find out that this is similar to other people as at times just can't believe I'm meant to just stay feeling like this at times I'm sure I'm dying 😰

Thank you x

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    How old are you nixnix?

    I've learned that some women who are very young have these kinds of symptoms, although it's rarer depending on age. I do have some of the feelings you've mentioned. My legs sometimes feel numb so I have to wriggle them and I have the swimming dizziness too, normally accompanied by brain fog and feeling zombified. I actually stagger sometimes with it.

    Your periods sound 'normal' to me but then again there is such a variation on period length/time, etc, so what is normal for you is different for someone else. Hopefully some of the members here who're more informed than me can help you out. As hard as it is, try not to panic..easier said than done I know but you can do without the extra worry on top.

    Anything else you can think of may help others to advise you too. A good ear to listen to you, helps a lot. Good luck nixnix xx.

    • Posted

      I'm 34 . Grandmother had meno at 35 and mother 42. Most recent had bloods taken during period time need to get results but previous results doc said normal x
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    I also forgot one more thing sometimes I'm ok for a bit in the day like it comes in waves and it feels a bit like something is dropping through my body a bit like low blood sugar but it's not that had that checked it's like being drained n i start to feel worse.
    • Posted

      Well, I know that quite a few women have started with symptoms at 34 so it's not impossible and maybe more likely if you have a family history of it too. My sister is 45 and we almost mirror each other sometimes with how we feel. A few years ago the doctor told her she was too young as it seems they say to a lot of women so unfortunately you're met with a brick wall when you ask.

      This morning I felt shocking. My legs were out of sync, I was thick headed and dizzy and tried to ignore it while shopping but it got to me. It calmed down later on but it comes on when it wants to, especially when you've exerted yourself a little. And yes, it does mimic low blood sugars too but eating or drinking something sweet doesn't take it off. It's very draining nixnix. For me, it sounds like you could have symptoms of perimenopause especially if you've had things checked over by the doctor I feel for you, it isn't nice. Hopefully other members will help you out too and give you a better insight into things x.

  • Posted

    Hi nixnix,

    I can totally relate to your symptoms - the weird head is so hard to describe to my doctor.  He just looks at me like I'm insane - all the doctors do.  But I don't care - still get them to run the tests.  Otherwise I have extreme anxiety that something is really wrong.  The weird head feeling seems to happen more during the week after my period.  When it first started I would panic which made it so much worse.  Now I try to talk myself down but it doesn't always work.  I am 43 and it seems like I am not having the traditional perimenopausal symptoms - its all this weirdo stuff.  I have also feltness the numbness in my hands and sometimes legs - more so in the hands.  Someone commented that it seems the symptoms are worse the younger you are - I so agree with that. 

  • Posted

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum being 50 in May and was given some good advice about anxiety attacks and whether or not I'm going crazy!  The first thing you need sweetheart is reassurance that you are not going mad or dying or falling apart - if it is menopausal symptons either pre or post then what you experience is quite normal including fuzzy head, fatigue, pins and needles, etc.

    What I have noticed is that when your hormones aint playing game you are highly sensitive to other areas of your body and your brain immediately goes on the defence telling you that something's wrong ie your hormone levels are erratic.  This triggers lots of things like you feel that your heart beating too fast, headaches, pins and needles because you become so body aware and sensitive!

    You are right about the alcohol too, the next day and wow everything is compounded 100 times worse.  This would seem to apply to too much tea and coffee as well.

    I try to adopt a mindset when I think I'm gonna have a bad day like saying to myself this is not forever, I am not a failure, my body is not in meltdown but this IS a transitional period in my life and I will come out the other end.  Meanwhile there's lots of things you can do to help yourself cliche I know but for example I've learned that addressing your Vitamin B levels really regulates your hormones before the intervention of HRT etc. is required.  In particular, I have picked up on High Strength Vitamin B6 at 150mg capsules taken once daily, in addition to a product called Jarrow Formula Methyl B-12 Cherry flavour 5,000 mcg NOT 500mcg!  These allegedly work together and should be taken on a day to day basis.  I've only just ordered mine from Amazon and await their delivery.  I work in a pharmacy and this would seem to make sense having spoken to one of my colleagues.  Worth a go!!

    Also addressing your diet, feeding it the best possible stuff high in vitamin c and d helps and exercise.  I've recently joined the gym and once I start sweating (normally) all my endorphines kick in and I feel okay!

    I'm like you day 32 or 28 and for three days so maybe we are at the same stage.  

    Anyway good luck and have you had blood tests etc to rule out any other medical problem before it being down to "the change"?

  • Posted

    Dear nixnix

    I didn't get the wierd head thibg but i have read alot of women do, like you aren't really there. I had the red sides of nose thing (itchy) i had that in pregnancyvso i presume that is a hormonal thing, my friend who is menopausal had the ringing ear thing and she went to doc who said she had alot ear wax x

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