Peri issues?!!
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Could anyone help? With some advice?. I have been peri now for 8months. My periods with issues have popped up on almost every monthly cycle. This month (since last Saturday) .mi have not felt well at all. Mood swings are and have always been the main issue but now it is like my body is reverting back to my teenage years aching breast, feeling sicketc. Feeling nausea I have felt now for the last week from when I wake till I footbed? Is this a common related issue in peri nausea? If so is there anything you can take to at least take it away? Ie when one is pregnant ginger biscuits were good ? Any advice for me please my god I'm now facing 7 weeks of the school holidays with my 3 children and the way I feel I cannot face it I feel to sick!. I also get quite a bad taste to in my mouth whic can last a few hours?!!.yes I have been to the doctors and told I'm not peri :1-because I'm to young and 2:-because my periods are regular!!. Oh by the way I'm 46? Xx
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michelle50768 Shelly0069
Yes i have nausea in perimenopause.
You are not to young mine started at 40. Im now 48.
I find pepto bismol quite effective along with ginger capsules.
There are 66 symptoms of perimenopause and ive had just about all of them it sucks!!!!
Also felt very unwell on and off like im dying but no its just perimenopause.
Hope you feel better soon the nausea can really get you down I know
Also I developed gerd which can also cause nausea
Take care x
Shelly0069 michelle50768
keepsmiling15 Shelly0069
Shelly0069 keepsmiling15
lynne55968 Shelly0069
I was peri menopause at 45. It sounds like you are definitely in peri. I had regular periods also, metal taste in my mouth, and nausea. I have had every symptom at different times. Ginger helped the nausea. I always had carried mints. These symptoms will pass. Hang in there....
susan21149 Shelly0069
It is peri menopause so welcome to the club
Also with this we ladies need to learn not to let our emotions get to us because physical and emotional stuff go hand in hand
Shelly0069 susan21149
jennifer01077 Shelly0069
When I started peri, I got gastritis, which might be what is causing your nausea. I do get nauseous if my stomach is really empty (but I like eating, so that's rare!). I can't eat spicy foods anymore, or raw vegetables. They call the stomach 'the second brain' because it is really affected by serotonin, the 'happy' chemical.
Relaxation, mindfulness helps.
As for mood swings, progesterone really helps for me. Progesterone cream, applied through the skin, I do it twice a day every day. It's a little controversial, but I probably couldn't keep working without it.
And I would advise you to get a new doctor. Really. I have had some baaaad doctors in my time, and I learned to just leave them behind. You are in the perimenopause age, you have peri symptoms, you are obviously in perimenopause. The hormone tests are unreliable, but you can feel it, so you don't need to doubt it.
Everything has to be about health and low stress right now. Stomach issues are largely about stress, so meditation, mindfulness, yoga, these are all things that can help. And your kids can take more care of themselves than you think. I knew someone who had cancer when her kids were in puberty, and they behaved really well. I also have seen the situation in school (I am a junior high teacher) where what is expected of the kids really affects their behaviour. It isn't just their age. Of course your kids might be younger, which is physically more demanding for you, but less stressful emotionally.
Shelly0069 jennifer01077